to read the poem,

choose licence plates, a poem from the menu bar hiding

in the top left corner of the screen

it just so happens that swedish licence plates consist of three letters and three numbers. the letters and numbers seem to be written at random, the particular combination of six symbols specific to the car it is attached to regardless where the car had been registered.


i started reading licence plates during a particularly challenging period, when recognising patterns brought a substantial amount of calm.


in june of 2022, when i was collecting the photos i've taken so far to begin working on the series, i thought of alys who likes to refer to writing in the expanded field. up until that point, i thought of the series as interesting in as much as it was anecdotal. i now think of this series as written by and in licence plates.


a poem emergent in a specific socio-political context that brought about this particular standard that affords writing in licence plates.


what this means to me is that the poem is written as much by my anxious adhd as it is written by the idiosincracy of the swedish transport agency, i.e. Transportstyrelsen.