Before the Lab, we established contact with the participants via 3 information letters. In these letters we explained the different phases of the Lab, briefly presented the Lab programme, the team members and prepared for practical and technical aspects of the online Lab. The letters can be found under Documentation.
Collaboration and engaging in each other’s processes were central aspects of this Lab. As described in the introductory text, the second phase, Critical Reflection as Processing, emphasize critical dialogue with fellow participants as a valuable tool in all of the second phase’s sub-phases deliberation, clarificationand confirmation.
Each of the participants was encouraged to submit text-, audio- or video material coming out from each of the workshop sessions. We encouraged the participants to contribute with raw, unfiltered output that served as small glimpses into each of the individual processes. The material was communicated and shared in a “process canvas” on NMH's portal in Research Catalogue – a multifaceted canvas, showing and exemplifying very different kinds of responses to the workshops specifically, and to reflection in artistic practice in general.
Collaboration was also essential in the themed breakout-groups. In the breakout-groups, we opened the floor to each participant to discuss ideas they submitted when registering for NMH’s RAPP Lab. Each participant was given 10-15 minutes to present their ideas and then open out to the group to collaborate on deliberating, clarifying and confirming. Moderators wrote short accounts of these sessions and uploaded them to the process canvas in Research Catalogue as part of documenting the Lab and its processes.