The application of those design areas into the development of an instrument can enable its music practice to become part of a mission and change. In the design of Knurl, 3 main important meaningful experiences for music practice were aimed for Knurl’s application. They were selected as design values to represent its mission towards Knurl’s music practice. During the project, these values became design and artistic explorations by themselves, defined as:
Integration : producing electroacoustic music today
Communication: to interact and engage as public
Autonomy: technology and new artistic expression
Representation: Music as representation of social discussions
Aspiring these 4 experiences in Knurl constantly has allowed this research to be developed in the the concept of designing by value, whereas a maker realizes its product values into a certain context and iterates its development to stimulate certain application methods. The result is a concept called Design to value, whereas the customer´s ideas bring a meaning and application that enhances and concludes the final message of your product. In the coming chapters,It will be described how and what were the main messages that Knurl was designed to express with its music.