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My motivation to start this research began with the following question I’ve asked myself: “When producing and performing my own music, will applying modern production techniques consciously influence my production skills and help me at the same time in a live performance situation?” Given the advance of modern music production technology, the modern music producer can now use virtual instruments and automate audio effects such as delay or reverb to affect a sound at different stages throughout the arrangement, in order to achieve the desired musical expression. When we look at a live performance, we see one or more musicians playing and manipulating the sounds in real time, in order to deliver an inspiring and entertaining act. Another question I’ve asked myself: “Is it possible to apply automation in a live context to enhance my performance and manipulate sounds heavily with audio effects in the arranging phase in order to create interesting sonic textures, from which the track and my live performance would become more entertaining?” At the beginning of my master studies my performances were flat and not entertaining, as they were featuring me as a performer struggling to switch between instruments during the performance. Throughout this research I have analysed in depth both conventional and non-conventional uses of these techniques, how other artists are implementing them into their music and live performances, and experimented with them in my own music, by using appropriate research strategies such as literature desk research, case studies and self critical practice. This methodology led me to find creative ways to enhance my production skills and make my performances more engaging and entertaining, and can also serve as inspiration for music producers and artists that would like to implement these modern production techniques into their own workflow and take advantage of them in their live performances.
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