Research methodology

These are the 5 most significant aspects of my daily practice that help me day by day to be more efficient and in flow.
The next step is to see if they also help me with performance.
To collect systematic data on this I have prepared two different questionnaires:
1) personal questionnaire: questions to answer that will help you judge your performance (which can be in any circumstance you choose) more objectively and lucidly. [LINK].
2) critical friends questionnaire: shorter but not less important, this questionnaire will be addressed to certain trusted people who can help us in giving an external judgement of our performance. [LINK]

The answers to these questionnaires will give me the opportunity to analyse and better understand if the strategy used to prepare the performance was effective or if there is something to change.

You can already take a look and click on the links above. 



Audition Training, First Round (25/10/21)

Audition Training Second Round (01/11/21)

"Fake Audition" Trumpet Class (02/11/21)

Audition for Theater Regio in Turino (10/11/21)

Audition for National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands (23/11/21)

Trumpet Day in AS (28/11/21)

Concert in KvB in memory of Louis Andriessen (12/12/21)

Excerpts Exame (19/01/22)