Information about his life and work in English language stills remains quite dispersed between various sources. Most of the easily accessible sources of Obukhov-focused studies consist of small chapters or parts of chapters, in compilation books or books about broader topics, such as Larry Sistky's Music of the Repressed Russian Avant-Garde, 1900-1929 (1994) and Jonathan Powell's article in Grove Music Online(2010) where one finds mostly biographical data and general considerations about his style. These sources provide a broad view of the subject, but invariably reproduce the same type of information between them. English sources that have stood out the most throughout this investigation, because they provide a more relevant aesthetic and philosophical contextualization, are the ones that address the notion of the total work of art in modern Western music, such as Shaw- Miller's Visible Deeds of Music: Art and Music from Wagner to Cage (2002) and David Roberts's The Total Work of Art in European Modernism (2011), which shows how much impact Le Livre de Vie had on this dimension of music history.

For this research project, French language sources were by far the most relevant. This includes sources such as: a 1972 special edition of La Révue Musicale dedicated solely to Nikolai Obukhov and his contemporary mystic composer Ivan Wyschenegradsky, with articles by Boris de Schloezer, Raymond Petit and Obukhov himself (L’emotion dans la musique from 1927), and probably the most reliable, complete and recent study, based only in archivals sources, Le message de Nicolas Obouhow: Reconstruction d’une biographie by Elena Poldiaeva and translated directly from Russian by Michèle Kahn.

Extremely relevant to mention is the amazing work of Rebecca Mitchell Nietzsche's Orphans: Music, Metaphysics, and the Twilight of the Russian Empire (2015), which allowed to me cross-reference all the information obtained in the above-mentioned sources and properly relate it to Russian Symbolist aesthetics.

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