So, this was a secret working page of mine during the master work. And I have decided to move it here:


New link to Handbook


For future work on it, and I will probably use it more as a blog and continue to fill things in as an open writing book format - that anyone can come in and read as it is. 

At least for now <3




Alexander (Acromee) Lindman






Part of the Master degree in fin arts acting

The deneurotypicalization of acting technique

Supervisor: Ulrika Malmgren with Marcia Nemer, Ellen Nyman

Examinator: Ulrika Malmgren

© Alexander Lindman,,

2. The goal of this handbook is:

to help deneurotypicalize the actor's work, technique and work related invironements as well as adding to the general knowledge about neurodiversity especielly in the performing arts, but not limited to.

3. Short things first:

As with all things ADHD, it's more about vantage point than new techniques - I'm not saying there are'nt new techinques here to be found by you - just that the most importan one is realizing you have ADHD and that that makes your brain function in another way than the neurotypical brain.

   Some things our brains have thought themselves as survival methods by living in a neurotypical diviced societity: like masking during audition and selftapes and that hyperfocus is the only way for us to be good actors...

   Some things actually works different - like the DMN-/TPN (the daydream /let's get things done part of the brain).

   And some things, also like with all things ADHD, is just never thought of by neurotypicals but IS very helpful for all sorts of brains - it's just 10 times more helpful or necessary for the ADHD one to function (like having an equally focused rehearsal space as the theatre room itself - Why do you think it's so much easier for most of us to work on stage??)

   Enough words about what it's all about: Let's start this adventure!


Read on as if your acting career depended upon itTongue Out

4 Table of content:


  1. Front page
  2. The general goal
  3. Short things first
  4. Table of content
  5. The top 3
  6. No 1
  7. No 2
  8. No 3


5. The Top 3 (might very well change in the very near future)

No 1?

Working memory &:

Learning your lines

No 2?

The DMN/TPN &:

To be or not to be hyperfocused

is that really a research question?

No 3?

Masking &:

Demasking during auditions

and selftapes