Page 2 - Timeline (you are here)
Page 4 - The very long text thingy
Page 6 - ART definition playground
Page 7 - ADHD SoMe Acting ART experiments
Page 8 - The performance lecture 2 may
Page 9 - The performance lecture IRL room 2nd of May
Page 10 - The performance lectyre 2nd of May AR/Spatial room
This is a clip from the tension play I did with Cathrine Alexander from theatre complicité (2023):
I tested different Le Coq (2023) tension numbers on the camera work and also on the acting.
I like the concrete language that can be built and used to further the knowledge about how to work with a cellular phone camera and Social Media Acting.
Jacques LeCoq. (2023). [online encyclopedia] Jacques LeCoq Wikipedia [20230530]
During this clip I investigate what happens when I de-mask, and just am, during self tape filming - and how that affects me.
I want to further research this with other ADHD-actors and see if it is the same.
Research done during the workshop week with Ellen Nyman (trying to find our own story to "decolonize" - Which ended up in Deneurotypicalizing...
In this clip I try a couple of different things:
I Play Hamlet in a neurodiverse way (deleted clip read about it further down or in the description of the video - scroll over).
I Talk about how a neurodiverse audience might read the Hamlet clip differently
I Talk about and try to show attention and hyperfocus and what happens when it's not there as an ADHD-actor.
Note 20230530:The first clip of this video is deleted, due to not being sure if I could publish this site with it in it. It was Hamlet's monologue in act 3 scene 1 from Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet (1997) used as an example of maybe a neurotypical way of playing and portraying Hamlet by and for a neurotypical audience:
The clip was actually first seen and commented by me from a Youtube clip: last accessed [20230529]
And the:
Original copyright holder of the original piece is:
Branagh, K. (1997). Hamlet. Director: Kenneth Branagh. Produced by Castle Rock Entertainment 1997 USA. last accessed [20230529]
“Trying to deneurotypicalize acting technique and understand what a social media actor might be and do and if there is or should be a difference between a neurotypical and neurodiverse way of applying oneself and communicate with said audience on said platform(s)?”
Is this the right wording? I don’t know, but this line is what I start my work with and from and we’ll just se what changes on the way :)
Note 20230530: deleted note from jan 2022 in the wrong text format and color and recreated and copied as was.
Note 20230530: underneath the Hamlet clip is maybe my first try to write an over-all-guiding research question, it was put up on the catalogue in January 2022, but it was about this time and after the decolonising workshop with Ellen Nyman, so it should be fairly accurate on the timeline when it actually happened.
Sex Game is a short social media film about manliness.
Filmed in one day and is maybe inline with how I would like, partialy, to work with Social Media myself togheter with clips about ADHD and different intersectonalities.
The Gunslinger is a, not yet released, award winning one man short film. A bit higher stakes than Sex Game, but still a zero budget movie made in the summer 2021 and cut and sent to festivals during autumn 2021.
By chance my selfie stick broke just before I shot it and it now can serve as a part of my Social Media Acting research work not only as a film created for Social media but as a piece of the puzzle about Social Media acting - namely: The augmented actor.
Since I filmed the short film almost entirely by myself (only the high falls are shoot by another actor) and I myself hold the camera and act at the same time as it wasn't there.
The film is also shoot only with a cellular phone, no battery charging, no lights, no make up, no pads or protection gear, no nothing (accept a portable lightning Røde microphone that can be attached to the phone directly). So just with what was available to me at the current location I was working.
This is I think also a good example about the Social Media Acting world to be analysed more in depth. The augmented actor who can work from anywhere at anytime totally autonomly and publish themselves at anytime on their own terms directly to the internet - much like the self-publishing authors and musicians now online (you no longer need 200 000kr to make a movie, record or a book because you can cut away all the middle men and self publish online skipping the paper books and DCP-copies and the publishing companies that sells the art for you) Just look at Amanda Palmer (the queen of crowdfunded music and author of "The Art of Asking").
This is the first assignment that was to be handed in November 17 2021.
Contains a few first stumbling steps to ask questions about Liveness on Social Media and the DMN/TPN whilst ADHD-acting.
Here is the first attempt to create an artistic research work plan for my IDP during the master program in acting: Consider it as very much not yet even started and more like an imagined picture over my work to be. The PDF is closely to 10 000 words, but most words are the imagined picture and also already written before this exam during the first exam as a power slide and handed in assignement - so if you want to read 2000 words, read from the 3.1.5) § and jump a little whilst reading to get to the end of the § (here I have spent some time to ponder about future hypothesises.
This text is an attempt to define art as ART to be able to define ARTistic research and ARTistic processes and ARTistic experiences - and from that also define Acting and the ADHD-actor.
Also maybe a mind map over how my brain wants to structure text and information in a flow of thoughts rather than from point A to B.
Part of the examination for Bodily and Vocal Practices 20220317-220327
This video is me talking about my IDP, and was part of my examination of 7.5 hp of the IDP during spring 2022.
I talk about what I want to do in my IDP.
I focus on not masking.
I've sped up the duration of the clip so that it is barable to watch for myself and keeping me almost focused (not cut out anything) also to show how much I move and how I move when I'm not suposed to sit still and talk into the camera.
Now 20220922, I have not done all the things I've said here yet, by far... But it helped me a lot rewatching it and steering me in maybe the right direction. (Thank you myself).
This is an investigating text/essay/promemoria/paper I use to investigate/ask questions with/try to define what ARTistic research is and Why/How I should document my research.
Part of the Methods in Artistic Research II examination 220531
During Scenkonstbiennalen 2022 I made 3 programs possible:
1) A lecture with Lotta Borg Skoglund about ADHD
2) A open seminar, with a panel, about ADHD and the Arts - with me as a moderator.
3) A closed NPF-Fika where everyone who had or suspected ADHD/ASD or any other NPF diagnosis were welcome
Picture made from a free template on ADHDbutterfly's homepage last accessed [20220520] reached from their instagram account [20230529]
Work in progress (not finalised)
This is a way I thought I could put the DMN/TPN of the ADHD-actor into a clearer hypothesis for myself (and also use my interest and current hyper fixation to learn the stop motion soft ware better during the stop motion and videography workshop).
This is a snapshot from the process in MIAR 4 with Marcia Nemer to get closer to what we want to research or present.
100 questions related to my IDP that I could come up with in under 1 hour. (They are started to get sorted into categories but not edited, removed or added - so a total snap shot from the process. Hope future me wont be to embaressed about this in a year or to :P)
- who is it for:
- how do I get up on the floor in a fun way and act in the project:
98 How do I implement FUN in my Master work
WHAT is ADHD acting
30 What is ADHD to an actor
31 What is ADHD to an audience
32 What is ADHD to a director
33 What is ADHD to the acting schools
34 What is ADHD to the acting techniques (a hinder, stepping stone, strength, etc)
Known symptoms of ADHD and acting
3 Does NPF actors suffer from Masking
29 How does different types of noise/types of surounding noise affect the ability to rehears/read/act
37 When is the ADHD-actor’s hightened ability to think outside the box an asset?
38 When is it not?
39 Is it Hightend?
40 How does RSD effect acting work
41 How does RSD effect the Director-Acting reletion
42 How does RSD effect taking critique?
43 How does Time blindness affect ADHD-acting
44 How does time blindness affect work as an ADHD-actor
45 Does working memory affect ADHD-acting in a good way
46 Is there techniques that helps countering the effects of a poorer Working memory as an ADHD-actor
47 Does actors with ADHD suffer more from disadvantage in learning lines than their peers?
51 Does physical activity on the floor really help with learning the lines or is that an illussion?
52 Does de-masking infront of a director help with auditions/rehearsals/acting in general?
53 Does de-masking infront of a audience help with auditions/rehearsals/acting in general?
54 Does de-masking infront of a Casting director help with auditions/rehearsals/acting in general?
55 Does de-masking in general help with auditions/rehearsals/acting in general?
58 Does APD play a part in acting for most ADHD actors?
59 How do they come around it?
60 How do you conduct SR/AR on the subcjetct of APD in actors?
61 Physical training helps the symptoms of ADHD what effect does a really physical warm up have on the rehearsal room when people with ADHD are in the ensemble?
Spacade frågor:
87 does color affect ADHD
90 if so why?
91 how do I find out?
92 Can I find out?
67 What is bad acting?
Neuro science and acting
General questions about ADHD things and acting?:
18 What does focus mean?
19 What does attention mean?
20 What does ‘a mind ready for acting work’ mean?
21 What does concentration mean
63 When is it a bad thing to talk about ADHD during work?
75 Is there a difference in SOME acting and screen acting?
Research questions:
1 How is the DMN/ATP network effecting NPF actors differently
2 Is there techniques that can counter the effects of the DMN/ATP, if so.
6 How can we work in a more including way so that everyone despite neurological differences can thrive during repetition, on set/stage, audtions etc?
22 Is there work methods that, especially during repetition, allows for a non-focused mind - or at least a non-hyperfocused mind?
22b and that still ensures great acting work to be seen by the director (so they don’t cut stuff out because of inattention etc.
100 How do I do it? What is my coping methods that I don’t think about as an ADHD-Actor??
99 How do I do a schedule that I can follow?
97 What are my ADHD-acting techniques?
95 How does the settings of touring shows affect the ability for the actor to focus during a tour?
96 Can you demand not to play in a cafeteria with bad sound or a place with terrible big windows and exiting things happening outside
94 How many in any given audience would be affected in a good way if, in general, the ADHD community could watch it with ease?
88 how many has ADHD of swedish actors —>89 Are we overrepresentaded
35 How does physical actions effect the ADHD-actor
36 How does physical acting affect the ADHD-actor
48 What acting methods can easily be taken to the floor to conduct ADHD-acting research with?
62 How do you tackle neurological preferences in taking direction in the rehearsal room
65 Can you act better with ADHD during certain condtitions?
66 Can you act worse with ADHD during certain conditions?
68 What is ADHD-acting?
71 Is SOME a good place for ADHD actors?
72 Does SOME have a good effect on the working process for an ADHDactor
73 How does SOME affect ADHD-actors
74 How is Liveness perceived by ADHD-actors
76 Does the speed of production in SOME create a more dopamine friendly environment for ADHD people
77 How do you get more Dopmamnie during acting work
78 What other brain things affect the ability to act with ADHD
79 Noradrenaline?
80 Seratonin?
81 Is ADHD actors more entrepreneurs
82 Is ADHD actors creating more on their own?
84 What other forms of art helps the creativity of acting?
85 What other things helps the art of acting on the floor for ADHDpeople?
86 Is the ART of acting helped in any way by the ADHD mind?
How to research?
28 Is it possible to do ADHD-based research on the acting community where you want 50/50 person with and without ADHD in a test group - or is the amount of undiagnosed ADHD symptoms so large in the test group so that it will effect the study…
93 How do I present my research: as a text, film. SOME, acing exercises, performance lecture, performance?
49 How do you document the awareness of an actor on stage?
50 How do you document the differences between how an ADHD-actor thinks and act from one without?
56 How do you conduct scientific research on de-masking effects?
57 How do ypu document the effects?
69 Who do I contact to do research on ADHDactors?
70 Is conducting research on/with myself enough for a master thesis?
Actual tasks/Things that can be research right away:
5 Is there enough representation of NPF actors on stage/film and in plays
23 What accommodations/external help can easily be applied to a acting working place to be more inclusive towards ADHD-people
24 What already existing acting technique is great for ADHD people, burly from a scientific point of view (and not individual interest based).
25 How do you find out what technique is best suited for ADHD-people?
26 How does ADHD medication affect the ability to work as an ADHD-actor?
27 How can I ethically find out?
98 How do I implement FUN in my Master work
97 What are my ADHD-acting techniques?
94 How many in any given audience would be affected in a good way if, in general, the ADHD community could watch it with ease?
88 how many has ADHD of swedish actors
35 How does physical actions effect the ADHD-actor
36 How does physical acting affect the ADHD-actor
61 Physical training helps the symptoms of ADHD what effect does a really physical warm up have on the rehearsal room when people with ADHD are in the ensemble?
64 Does color coding manuscripts in advance have any effect how they are perceived by ADHD-actors?
65 Can you act better with ADHD during certain condtitions?
66 Can you act worse with ADHD during certain conditions?
73 How does SOME affect ADHD-actors
Comunity questions/tasks
4 Does the representation of NPF actors on stage/film help the comunity
7 How is ADHD effecting the acting work?
8 How is ADHD effecting the audience perception of character?
9 How is ADHD effecting the actor’s perception of character?
10 How is ADHD effecting the actor’s perception of the audience?
24 What already existing acting technique is great for ADHD people, burly from a scientific point of view (and not individual interest based).
26 How does ADHD medication affect the ability to work as an ADHD-actor?
27 How can I ethically find out?
97 What are my ADHD-acting techniques?
95 How does the settings of touring shows affect the ability for the actor to focus during a tour?
96 Can you demand not to play in a cafeteria with bad sound or a place with terrible big windows and exiting things happening outside
88 how many has ADHD of swedish actors
71 Is SOME a good place for ADHD actors?
72 Does SOME have a good effect on the working process for an ADHDactor
73 How does SOME affect ADHD-actors
81 Is ADHD actors more entrepreneurs
82 Is ADHD actors creating more on their own?
83 What methods are there already in the acting community that comes from ADHD people
84 What other forms of art helps the creativity of acting?
4 Does the representation of NPF actors on stage/film help the comunity
11 When we talk about focus is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
12 When we talk about attention is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
13 When we talk about concentration is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
14 When we talk about flow is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD or Neurotypical people?
15 When we talk about tension and relaxation is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
16 When we talk about “a clear mind” is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
17 When we talk about ‘not having a 3d eye perspective or intrusive thoughts during acting work” is everyone included or is it a generalisation that excludes ADHD people?
23 What accommodations/external help can easily be applied to a acting working place to be more inclusive towards ADHD-people
95 How does the settings of touring shows affect the ability for the actor to focus during a tour?
96 Can you demand not to play in a cafeteria with bad sound or a place with terrible big windows and exiting things happening outside
94 How many in any given audience would be affected in a good way if, in general, the ADHD community could watch it with ease?
About Theatre:
To deneurotypicalize the actor’s tool box and environment
To understand the ADHD actor’s tool box and work place
Deneurotypicalize and reinvent the actor’s tool box
Deneurotypicalize the actor’s tool box freeing the ADHDactor
Deneurotypicalize the actor’s tool box inventing ADHD actor
To Deneurotypicalize and reimagine the contemporary actor’s tool box
Deneurotypicalize & reimagine d contemporary actor’s toolbox
The earlier longer in my abstract:
Trying to deneurotypicalize acting technique and understand what a social media actor might be and do and and if there is or should be a difference between a neurotypical and neurodiverse way of applying oneself and communicate with said audience on said platform(s)?
Another Marcia exercise:
boil down what your doing to 300 characters... of course I heard it wrong and tried to boil it down to 60 characters....
But I already had a "longer" version in my abstract, so... maybe not wasted time after all :P
Another Marcia exercize from 220914: due 220928.
Write down 20 words or concepts describing your IDP or that is important about your IDP right now
Another Marcia exercise 220928
Constructed from the PDF handout "bluets" by Maggie Nelson
We had about one hour to write about our IDP without using the beforehand 20 words/sentences we had written about our IDP and also what our peers had written down listening to us talking about a half page hand in exercise from our IDP-work.
This is what I wrote: totally un-edited and a snapshot from the process.
Also during this day: Write instructions to an alien about taking over your life for one week. 5 tasks in five minutes!
From the Bluets-exercize:
"Realising landing your ship on a different planet where everyone acts the same as you — how much an alien you actually must portray yourself to others at home — hurts. Lowering your bio suit’s optical shields letting people from your world see the otherness must be step one in recovering your identity’s base plate for performing “natural” in any situation even if it doesn’t seem normal to anyone else but your in-group..."
Having the discussion on the MIAR course 12/10 Marcia talked about people doing the formal text format and in the footnotes going all out arty and fictious and that this might be a way to do it the otherway around. Actually trying to speak more clearly with fiction and in the footnotes being formal and adding referenses to what is talked and discussed through the fictious plot or characters on the page/tik tok-clip or other format...
Like in this short short story the 'ship' could be my mind, the 'planet' is a page or ADHD-hashtag on social media. The 'bio suit's optical shields' are the social behaviour of masking to fit in where you feel like you don't, or actually don't, fit in.
This text was never fully fact checked but contains several definitions about ART and ARTistic processes that I continued to build my thoughts upon ART on and also seminar thoughts in relation to my ADHD
Seminar with Bogdan Szyber
This is a picture I drew after the seminar with Bogdan after hearing him speak about:
(here follows my notes from the meeting:)
3 years… lets do it… Now I have said it… then it just becomes logistics…
Lots of pictures of it
Give birth to the idea…. And then you have to do it..
[Creation giving birth 1 %, or less time, and the rest of the time is making it happen!!!]
This made me think about the ADHD artist and maybe their struggles to stay with in the boring and mundane as in just doing the logistics after ART-hunching or getting an ART-idea. or a Piece of ART in their heads/ an ART-experience that they want to share with the world.
AND I wrote this as a reflection:
[1% ART for the artist, and then 99% work to make an ART-experience for the audience… But the ARTist is working within the known… and maybe even not even ARTistically just in the logistics…).
So I did this picture: Will try to do a better chart on a subpage...
All current answers to this survey (3) is on the "HELP ME OUT?" page.
For the readers of this research catalouge page and
everyone that finds it on the internet <3
These are links to the actual surveys and you can do them still both as a neurotycial or neurodivergent person. Preferably a person active or that has been active within the arts, but not limited to <3
For the readers of this research catalouge page and
everyone that finds it on the internet <3
Note 20230528 Januari-april, this last semester was really hard to get my ADHD to focus and do the right things.
But, things continued to boil underneath and stuff got written all over the place - just not always inside the right document and about the "right" topics.
And after the meeting with Niklas Hald on zoom I got my ART definition much more down to something solid and everything else then fell much easier, still from a tremendously unorganised ADHD paper chaos, into place.
And having the ADHD rewired coaching groups, the Chubbuck acting coach sessions and the research catalogue page, master thesis and the performance lecture IRL and the IRL and VR/AR-rooms to fix with. You might think that was a bit overwhelming, and you'd be right. Plus having to deal with the extremely efficient ADHD deadline monster and the extremely inefficient ADHD--overwhelmed (or hyperfixating on creating more text when waaaay less was need) organising-brain. Was very confusing indeed. Felt awesome and totally worthless at the same time...
I was quite terrified that this ADHD dysfunction with editing down the text was going to destroy me. And, it was such a relief to get to know that page numbers wasn't a real thing at Stockholm University of the Arts - more like guidelines... (very good guidelines for the students' and teachers' health, I reckon... but even so just guidelines). And, after getting some help with how to prioritise the last writing/editing part from a fellow ADHDrewired group coaching friend...
I could finally breath again.
So, this research page and the final thesis would probably have benefited a great deal to only be 20 pages long, in total... And I am sorry that it isn't - but I hope it is something else too. A kind of artefact to excavate or a piece of ART over the ADHD SoMe actor's master's process and also if I've done my job just a little well: Maybe some help for future ADHD-actors and acting teachers to ADHD-actor students (diagnosed and undiagnosed).
And a great starting field for myself to continue my ponderings about ADHD, Social Media and acting from.
So, writing this at the end, I'm grateful for having spent so much time around a subject that I really care about, that is important not just for me but for everyone to know more about and delve deeper into.
And as I have probably said at many places already: What works better for persons with ADHD most of the times helps all persons, it just might help an ADHD-person function at all or 10 x better than before...
So, giving neurodiverse advice instead of neurotypical advice, will probably not hurt anyone and save very manny more (at the very least from boredom) - but the other way around does. So, let's keep figuring out how and make the world a tiny bit more deneurotypicalized one step at a time...
20230529 Note:
I added some documentation over the ARTing process of defining ART at the ART playground. And in this document there also is some photos over my manuscript for this ADHD Hamlet actor trio scene.
And further to the right is the actual film.
20230425 first attemt to talk to an AI about my definition of art as ART but not really mentioning what I came up with.
20230529 Note: to the right I give the AI my definition and we have a chat about that instead.
20230425 short 20 min Chat GPT break from trying to edit and give my critical friend some pages to read... - This should actually be my Master thesis - How to edit a actor master thesis having ADHD... The dysfunction of my organisational skills are very real!
Gonna mastermind it in my ADHD coaching session on Thursday and se if I can get some future help with it, because not being able to estimate the time it takes to write and edit and not having the Executive functions to sort and plan for the biger picture but just diving into details as soon as they pop up and get lost for 6 hours of hyperfocus on solving a small problem instead of slowly getting one page at a time ready in the thesis is very exausting...
But today I have writtin and edited for 18 hours straight and instead of getting 20 pages the thesis is now 150 pages - GAH!
Oh yeah, almost forgot... Here is the chat with the AI robot:
How would you define art as in "the the art of" something?
1 / 1
When used in the context of "the art of" something, art typically refers to the skill or ability to do something well, particularly something that involves creativity or aesthetics. It can also refer to the technique or process used to create something, as well as the knowledge and understanding of that process. In this sense, "the art of" something is often used to describe a particular craft or discipline, such as the art of cooking, the art of dance, or the art of storytelling. Ultimately, the term "art" in this context is about mastery and excellence in a particular field, and the dedication and passion required to achieve it.
1 / 1
What if art wasn't just a skill to master but also something deeply human like a function and a need - how would you then explain it?
1 / 1
If we consider art not just as a skill to master, but also as a deeply human function and need, then we can define art as a means of expressing and communicating complex thoughts, emotions, and experiences through various mediums such as visual arts, music, literature, dance, and more.
Art can be seen as a way for humans to connect with each other and with the world around them, to explore and express their innermost feelings and ideas, and to create meaning and beauty in their lives. In this sense, art can be viewed as a fundamental aspect of the human experience, one that helps us to understand ourselves, each other, and the world we live in.
Furthermore, art can also serve as a means of coping with and processing difficult or challenging experiences, providing a way to express and work through emotions and experiences that may be difficult to put into words. As such, art can be a deeply therapeutic and healing practice.
Overall, when we view art as a deeply human function and need, we can see it as something that goes beyond mere technical mastery and instead speaks to the very core of our humanity.
1 / 1
Yes, and if that exploration is a function as well as a need and also a skill that can be mastered and or experienced what then would you say the art of acting is about?
1 / 1
The art of acting involves using one's skills and abilities to convey emotions, thoughts, and experiences through the portrayal of a character. While technical skill and mastery are important in acting, the art of acting is also about exploring the depths of human emotion and experience in order to create authentic, believable characters and performances.
Acting is often seen as a means of storytelling, with actors using their craft to bring characters and narratives to life on stage or screen. At its best, acting can transport audiences into other worlds, providing a window into different perspectives, experiences, and ways of being.
To achieve this level of authenticity, actors often draw upon their own emotions and experiences, using empathy and imagination to fully inhabit their characters and bring them to life. The art of acting involves a deep understanding of human nature, as well as the technical skills needed to fully embody a character and convey their thoughts and feelings to an audience.
Ultimately, the art of acting is about bringing the complexities of the human experience to life, allowing audiences to connect with and understand different perspectives and ways of being.
1 / 1
And if we add my definition of art as dreaming within or outside the realms of what is possible about something what would you then say the art of acting is?
1 / 1
If we add the idea of art as "dreaming within or outside the realms of what is possible" to our understanding of the art of acting, then we can see acting as a way to explore and bring to life different visions of the human experience.
Acting allows us to dream up and embody characters and stories that may be far removed from our own lives, and to bring those stories to audiences in a way that is both engaging and meaningful. Through the art of acting, we can explore what it means to be human, to experience joy and pain, to love and to lose, and to grapple with the complexities of the world around us.
In this sense, the art of acting can be seen as a form of creative expression that allows us to push beyond the boundaries of what is possible in our own lives, to imagine and inhabit different worlds and experiences, and to share those visions with others. At its best, the art of acting can transport audiences to new and exciting places, and inspire us to dream bigger and bolder about what it means to be human.
1 / 1
I think I like that too. And what would you say is the ART of a Social Media Actor?
1 / 1
The ART of a Social Media Actor involves using the platforms of social media to showcase their acting skills and reach a wide audience. It combines the technical skills of acting with an understanding of the unique demands and opportunities of social media as a medium for creative expression.
To succeed as a social media actor, one must have a deep understanding of how to engage with audiences online, creating content that is compelling, shareable, and memorable. This involves an understanding of trends and audience preferences, as well as the ability to create content that is both entertaining and authentic.
Social media actors must also be skilled at creating and managing their personal brand, building a following, and maintaining engagement with their audience. This involves an understanding of marketing and social media strategy, as well as a willingness to experiment and try new things in order to stand out in a crowded online landscape.
Ultimately, the ART of a Social Media Actor is about using the tools and opportunities of social media to showcase one's acting talents, connect with audiences, and build a career in a rapidly changing digital world. It requires both technical skill and creative vision, as well as a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of social media as a medium for artistic expression.
1 / 1
What would be considered as something completely new in acting for Social Media that boarders on the unknowable or beyond what is knowable to do and act?
1 / 1
As with any medium, social media is constantly evolving, and new approaches to acting for social media are emerging all the time. However, there are a few areas that could be considered as pushing beyond what is currently known or possible in the realm of social media acting.
One such area is the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies to create immersive, interactive experiences for audiences. This could involve creating virtual worlds that audiences can explore and interact with, or using augmented reality to integrate digital elements into the real world.
Another area of innovation could involve the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to create more personalized and engaging content for audiences. For example, AI could be used to analyze audience engagement data and create customized content that is tailored to individual viewers' preferences and interests.
Finally, there is also the potential for social media actors to push beyond traditional narrative structures and explore more experimental, non-linear forms of storytelling. This could involve creating interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style content, or using social media platforms to create collaborative, crowdsourced narratives that evolve and change in response to audience input.
Overall, the possibilities for innovation in social media acting are vast and ever-expanding, and it will be exciting to see what new approaches and techniques emerge in the years to come.
1 / 1
Have to get back to my master thesis about this now, but thank you for the chat
1 / 1
You're welcome! Good luck with your master thesis, and feel free to come back if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help you with in the future.

Based on your definition of ART, an extremely meaningless and harmful newART-apple could potentially involve creating an experience that intentionally causes harm or discomfort to the audience without any clear purpose or goal beyond that. For example, it could involve creating a performance that involves physically injuring oneself or others, or engaging in behavior that is intentionally offensive or provocative without any clear artistic intent or message.
However, it's important to note that true art, even when pushing boundaries and exploring the edges of what is possible, should never cross ethical or moral lines. Art has the power to inspire, provoke, and challenge, but it should never be used as an excuse for harmful or abusive behavior. It's important for artists to always consider the potential impact of their work and to act with integrity and responsibility.

You make a good point. The classification of an artwork as newART, perspectiveART, or autonomousART is subjective and can vary depending on the individual's perspective and context. What may be considered newART to one person may be considered perspectiveART or even autonomousART to another.
In regards to the potential harm or meaninglessness of art, it's true that art can be used to challenge authority and promote social change, even if it is considered illegal or unethical by those in power. In this sense, the meaning of art can be subjective and vary depending on the cultural, social, and historical context in which it is created and experienced.
As an ARTist, it can be difficult to determine whether your work is on the border or beyond your or your audience's capability to determine. However, it's important to consider the potential impact of your work and to be aware of the potential risks and consequences. It can also be helpful to seek feedback from trusted peers and collaborators, as well as engage in ongoing dialogue and reflection about the intent and meaning of your work. Ultimately, the responsibility for the interpretation and impact of art lies with both the ARTist and the audience, and it's important for both parties to approach art with openness, curiosity, and critical thinking.

My apologies if it seems that way. As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on the input I receive, and I aim to provide informative and relevant responses.
Regarding your question about a very nurturing and meaningful newART-apple, my limit of ARTing would be difficult to define, as it would depend on the specific context, intention, and audience for the artwork. However, some general guidelines for creating nurturing and meaningful art might include focusing on themes of empathy, compassion, and connection, as well as exploring the beauty and complexity of the human experience in a way that encourages reflection and personal growth. It could also involve incorporating elements of community engagement or social justice, such as collaborating with underserved or marginalized populations, or using art as a tool for activism and advocacy. Ultimately, the limit of ARTing would be determined by the individual ARTist's vision and creative capacity, as well as their commitment to ethical and responsible art-making practices.

Hmm, that's an interesting question! If I were to frame my previous response as an apple, I might imagine it as a juicy, ripe fruit bursting with flavor and color. It would feel satisfying and refreshing to bite into, with layers of complexity and depth that unfold with each taste. As you continued to ART about it, you might discover new dimensions and meanings that you hadn't initially perceived, inspiring you to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of flavors and textures. Overall, it would be an apple that stimulates the senses, nourishes the soul, and invites you to explore the vast terrain of human experience with curiosity and wonder.

If we were to frame the idea of an actor with ADHD creating nurturing and meaningful content for a multi social media platform as an apple, I would imagine it as a complex and vibrant fruit, with a mix of tartness and sweetness that reflects the diverse range of experiences and emotions that the actor is capable of expressing. It would be bursting with energy and creativity, with each bite offering a unique and unpredictable flavor that keeps the audience engaged and intrigued. The ADHD aspect would add a layer of unpredictability and spontaneity, as the actor navigates the challenges and opportunities of multiplatform performance in their own unique way. The overall effect would be an apple that is rich in meaning and nourishing for the soul, reflecting the beauty and complexity of the human experience in all its diversity.

You're welcome! It was great talking with you, and I'm always here if you want to continue the conversation. Good luck with your performance lecture!

Take care, and have a great day!
Before heading to school to print a lot of text to put in the room IRL and on spatial - decided to procrastinate some more and layout my ART definition for real to Chat GPT and this is our conversation - quite lovely really
/Alexander Lindman and Chat GPT 20240430
Copied Note
Ai references to add somewhere here or just in thesis??:
Simon N: ai-Written text for the Swedish stage and film union (already in thesis or work in progress)
Does ai take our jobs
DN 20230430
BasedAF’s holodeck/Broadside NFT AR/IRL ARTing book about future NfT game, first commercial to be completely done by ai-prompting: added to spatial for now…
Out of sight out of mind
Out of the box thinking
Getting past the fixation of previous knowledge..
Micro focusing at the expanse of bigger tasks
Ai film 2 years away
BasedAF (2023). [web stream] This is the Future of Entertainment BasedAF Youtube channel: 21 Apr 2023 [20230521]
Based home studio Holodeck Mocap, unreal engine
Completely Ai generated commercial
2023 april
I was writing and re-writing master thesis and trying to edit down but just managing to ADD stuff
Editing film clips
Recording Tiktok videos for performance lecture
Writing performance lecture (best work done lying in my bed not getting up, not eating breakfast just fixing keynote and Spatial space until head hurts and I realise I haven't eaten any food and not been drinking any water or taken any ADHD meds...
(so best... with a grain of salt... uninterrupted, yes... most effective, yes... good in the long run... absolutely not... Focus hangover for hours or days...
20230502 Performance lecture date
Shows 13:00 with small Q&A with Audience
Show 19:00 with bigger Q&A with Ulricha Johnson
See specific pages for the different parts:
1) performance lecture
2) IRL - room
3) VR/AR - room
When? Tuesday 2 May at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00
Where? SKH Valhallavägen 193 Tvåan
Bring headphones for your phone!
Language: English

The ADHD SoMe ACTOR and/or THIS IS a piece of ART!
A performance lecture by Alexander Lindman
Vad är en ADHD-Social-Media-Skådespelare?
Kom och avneurotypikalisera skådespelarens tekniker och arbetsplatser (och, varför inte konsten och framträdanden när vi ändå håller på?) tillsammans med mig i mina spaces.
Fun is the way!
In my research, I’m trying to define the ADHD-actor and deneurotypicalize the actor technique, the rehearsal rooms, the different work places and the different meetings with the audience. Through me as an ADHD-actor and the impact and response I’ve gotten and get from the neurotypical and neurodivergent communities from my history and experience and also from experiments, co-labs, films and surveys. This is the start of my journey - come and let’s continue the investigation together and also watch me work on the floor in this performance lecture-ish master ADHD-SoMe-ARTistical research experiment.
Parts of the performance lecture will be on your own mobile, if you’d like to, so please bring one or share one with your friend. Free WiFi connection exists at the location. (If you don’t have a phone there will be other possibilities to take part in and after the performance)
ADHD persons have neurodivergent brains, that they share with several other communities on different spectrums in similar or different ways. Which means thinking and acting differently by default from the larger population (those who are within a neurotypical way of thinking and operating).
ADHDers are said to have an interest-based nervous system that usually needs external stimulation to be motivated to do something. Such as things that spark joy, challenge, and interest, align with their passions or is new, shiny or has a very strict deadline…
Importance, on the other hand, that neurotypical brains operate more by, is usually very hard to pull off as tasks, doings or behaviour if they aren’t externally motivated by the interest-based nervous system… Which leads to (as a hypothesise) many persons that follow their dreams into the arts (because doing something else might be important but nearly impossible to even think about doing because of the neurotypical frameworks of those other things) being able to act more freely and more after their brains contents because the environments of the arts are usually more inviting and kind to differences.
But, the question still lingers: by which systems, with what social frameworks, techniques, and environments are they forced to operate consciously and subconsciously within the arts. How much of a neurotypical must we play to fit in to be able to follow our passions as ARTist? And if so, how can we deneurotypicalize those spaces, techniques, things, etc… to find the lowest common demeanor for a more inclusive space to operate in?
I will try to make the space and performance as neurodivergent-friendly as I can:
- you can come late
- you can leave whenever you want
- you can switch places and move in the audience or the audience places
- you are allowed and are also encouraged to be on your phone/iPad and have headphones (with your own things playing in them if you like or need) during the performance.
- if you need to know exactly what will happen in advance, or anything else, reach out and I will do what I can to help you.
- as it’s planned now there will be a free-to-roam part in the beginning and after that a more regular performance by me and then a break and after that questions and answers. Come and stay as you please!
There will also be a couple of answers and hopefully, you will walk away with more questions than when you first arrived <3
Fun is the way!
What stood about the performance lecture
in the description on Stockholm University
of the Arts homepage and on event pages.
Note 20230601:
This is the first attempt to sumerise everyting into a master thesis. It's published here as a documentation over the process like the other PDFs to the left of this document.
It is NOT completly fact checked but contains a clearer documentation over the ART definitions that are not in the final thesis at the end of this timeline.
20230502 This is the (WORK IN PROGRESS VERSION) sent to Ulricha Johnson before my performance lecture. Which she read all of it... Plus this timeline (as it was then) <3
Our Q&A is in Swedish but can be seen at the performance lecture video link two steps left from here. This version contains a lot of ART-definitions and more about SoMe and the future of SoMe. And my final thesis version is more centred around ADHD and acting. This one is not fact checked in it's entirety and contains notes to self and other things...
Even the degree and person's on the front page are wrong - so read this with some grain of salt...
Copied Note
Writing a master thesis as an ADHD SoMe Actor - comments on the process
Short comment: This has been the hardest thing of all for me.
Both, I think, because I really want to do all of the things and I want, a usual ADHD-misstake, everyone to know where everything comes from before I get to the point (like Danni Donovans picture at the end of my thesis), and usually get sidetracked on the way.
Editing is sooooooo boring. Which means all of the ADHD dysfunctions as an old delivered letter, by the old reliant postal service, delivered to my door step — thank you!
And writing is, actually surpisingly, very fun and rewarding, especially after spending so much time researching (read also me-searching) for years about ADHD and acting (knowingly and unknowingly).
So, yes… This master thesis is down to 20 pages now, right? (.…)
I might have to go with the ARTistical choice of letting this master thesis also be a work of ADHD ART-documentation, or the ADHD-failure to stay within the boarders even when the boarders are for my own good and others’ — when I myself don’t know my own needs and the tools to ask for to handle my own ADHD mind.
I really want this thesis to spark som ideas and new ways to think about ARTistical processes and ADHD, and I hope the page count won’t scare people away.
And I really hope I someday will get some better ADHD-editing tools. Especially if I go for a higher education program — which I really, really want, now that I understand what ARTistical research is and one way it can be used for!
Copied note:
Written to Tinna Joné 20230525:
(I'm adding this as a future note to myself)
"Och, jag tänker att till framtida arbeten så behöver jag sätta upp bättre system och påminna mig själv om att fråga om hjälp tidigare och oftare under processens gång - särskilt kring organisatoriska delar där jag har en diagnos som redan stjälper mig 😅. Lätt att säga, svårt att implementera och förstå vid rätt tillfälle. Men, efterklok är ändå lite klok 🤪"
The final process of writing the thesis ended up being the absolute hardest part: One thing about ADHD is that the last 10% of any thing is also equally as hard to get done as starting something our brain don't want to do...
Fortunately there were some deadlines in this process and also Ulrika Malmgren my supervisor gave me deadlines that could be moved, for good and bad. But, the extra days have really been important to tidy up and ask for help and get some people to read (at least parts of the document...). And the extra help to structure my editing process on the 20/5 by a fellow ADHD academic (but at Phd-level) on what most important focus on really gave me some piece and lifted a lot of anxiety...
Now this is what it is. A work of an ADHD SoMe Actor. It is very specific at some points and very general at others - I haven't always been able to control my mind to stay put and inside the boxes and sometimes I have also tried to use this experimentally to see what happens when I also go with my mind instead of (neurotypically generally advised?) against it.
As I write in the thesis somewhere, with other words: ART is messy, chaotic and associatively unpredictable and so is my mind - and with the right ADHD-friendly tools/processes and ARTistic boxing questions/choices - the arts is a wonderful place to be, for anyone, but maybe then especially for someone finally being able to utilise their ADHD-mind without the usual neurotypical roadblocks.
The final edit of the master's thesis as published on the DIVA-portal
- Bergeron, M. (2023). [web newspaper] A.I.-Generated Films Are ‘Two Years’ Away, Joe Russo Estimates Indiewire 25 apr 2023 last accessed [20230522]
This is a folder handed out at Scenkonstbiennalen 2023
Might be everything I've done on a single small piece of paper, ;P - Both in Swedish and English.