First of all I want to say thank you to my husband and children, who supported me in doing this Master's Study and Research.
I am also indebted to:
My Research Coach Renee Jonker, who always reflected on my thoughts and encouraged me to find my own way.
Annemarth Idenburg for reading and reflecting on my texts, and Christine Davies for translating.
All the teachers of the Master Music Education according to the Kodály Concept, Patrick van Deurzen, Ewan Gibson, Suzanne konings, Daniël Salbert, Bastiaan van der Waals and Anne Christine Wemekamp from whom I have learned a lot and all the students of the Master Music Education according to the Kodály Concept.
My colleagues from BASIS: Martine Belderok, Anna Daalmeijer, Klaske de Haan, Karin de Jong, Irma Kort, Anthony Zielhorst.
My bassoon colleague Bram van Sambeek and the bassoon students at the Royal Conservatoire.
My colleagues in Amersfoort and the pupils from the School for Talent, Scholen in de Kunst Amersfoort.
I also want to mention Hanneke Delis, who was head of the Musicschool Amersfoort, Scholen in de Kunst and who died in July 2015. We talked a lot about Instrumental Education and searching for new opportunities.
Workshop leaders from puntComp: Jelte Althuis, Martine Belderok, Jurgen van Harskamp, Renee Jonker, Maite van der Marel, Emma Rekers, Hanne van de Vrie.
All my students with whom I have a lot of fun and learn a lot about my own teaching.
Casper Schipper for the help with the Research Catalogue.
I would also like to thank the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Société Gavigniès and Scholen in de Kunst Amersfoort for making it possible to do my Research over the last two years.