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SAR 12th International Conference on Artistic Research. Viena, 07 a 09 de abril de 2021.
- Conferências assistidas: "Towards an attitude of openness", Emma Cocker; "An index of un-earthing: log entries towards space decolonization" (Ralo Mayer); "Simultaneous relaying as a transformative mode of artistic research that preserves diversity and individuality" (Hanns Holger Rutz e Nayarí Castillo); "Mapping the unseen" (Katrin Ackerl Konstantin e Andreas Hudelist); "Dare, care, share to empathise" (Janhavi Dhamankar), "A is for aurora, C is for care; a daring vocabulary for sharing why geospace matters" (Hanna Husberg e Agata Marzecova) e "The artist-philosopher: naming, sounding, worlding" (Ilgin Deniz Akseloglu e David Rothenberg). ;
Eyene, C. (2019). Sounds Like Her. Beam Editions ,
Rosling, R. O. R. R. A. H. E. (2019). Factfulness - Factualidade (Portuguese Edition). Temas e Debates.