In this exposition we have introduced some new ways of employing and modifying piano. However, how do we answer the question reflected in the title of the artistic research? Actually, we started research trying not to search for answers, but rather to prove that piano music has not come to an end; That it is just the end of one of many lives – transitional period between phases, the Apocalypse and the beginning of the new phase; That the instrument still has the potential to inspire composers to compose innovative, truly contemporary music that reflects the spirit of the epoch. We hope we proved that. Maybe in this case we are not objective, but rather subjective researchers in love with the instrument of great historical importance.

But one of the characteristics of the artistic research is that it accepts subjectivity, as opposed to the classical scientific methods. And it is this subjectivity that enables not only the arts, design and architecture, as Verbeke states, but also artistic researchers to build on their own specific positions in relation to reality.

Though, not anly composers and pianists might build their specific positions in relation to the future of the piano...


We offer to public two interpretations of the Piano Apocalypse; Both of them have their own perspectives:

ModEkAl, developed within our artistic research needs to be public to fulfill its purpose - to be employed in making music.

Though, public could also enjoy piano in a rather non-traditional role... For instance, this pot-piano standing in the middle of a street in Budapest.
