Collaborative Filmmaking and the quest for a collective film narrative. 

Presentation of pilot studie, January 2021 at SKH Research week 



In this project I also laborated with the idea of building a room of paper. Creating like a full scale stop motion set. I thought of this as an experiment with something that I did not have practical experience in my selfe. The result was not to my satisfaction, but I am planing to give it another go soon.

The joy of trying new things and the fear of doing things that I never considered myselfe "good" at, is a groing part of my research. I think of it as corresponding with my impulses. A journey back to the curiosity and creativity that once got me started. So I have decided to let my self paint, sing, dance and experience artistic fields that never has been a part of my professional life as a film maker. The idéa of correspondence comes from researcher Tim Ingolds, by the way. More about him and how I find hes writing about correspondence and the art of paying attention relevant to my artistic research in the "Theory department".



This is the presentation of the pilot studie for an artistic research project that I named "Collaborative Film Making and the Quest for a collective Fillm Narrative". The final presentation of this project took place at Stockholm University of the Art - SKH, Research Week in January 2021. And this is the material that was presented.

Prior to this I did a project named "Collaborative film making - Film Devising". The written report from this project can be found here:

Summary and Conclusion pdf