Forthcoming: Moore, Albans, Nikologianni & Cureton, Landscape and Infrastructure, (editors) Integrated Landscapes in Policy, Practice and Everyday Life. London. Routledge. est. March 2021 ISBN: 9780367458737 (including individual chapters from Kathryn Moore, Alex Albans, Anastasia Nikologianni and Paul Cureton)
Moore 2010 Overlooking the Visual: Demystifying the Art of Design, Routledge, Taylor Francis Group,
Moore 2018 Towards New Research Methodologies in Design, Chapter 24, The Routledge Research Companion to Landscape Architecture pp312-233 ISBN 9780367659738, Published September 30, 2020 by Routledge
Moore 2015 The Value of Values, in Values in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, Finding Center in Theory and Practice, edited by Elen Deming, LSU Press ISBN 978-0-8071-6078-7
Moore 2015 Is Landscape Philosophy in Is Landscape...? Essays on the Identity of Landscape, edited by Gareth Doherty, Charles Waldheim, Harvard, GSD, Routledge ISBN 978-1-13-801844-0
Albans, Fieldwork in Landscape Architecture Methods, Actions, Tools Thomas Oles (author), Paula Horrigan (author).
Moore, 2019 on Geoffrey Jellicoe, Landscape Issue 3
Moore, 2015 A New Look at landscape, TOPOS 92
Moore 2013 The Regeneration Game, Terminal World Annual Report November 25th, 2013
(Consortium) SATURN Conference, Workshop, Exhibition; Moore, K., Nikologianni, A., Eds.; Birmingham City University: Birmingham, UK, 2019
Moore 2018 Executive Summary: Landscape and Infrastructure
Moore 2018 Prospectus: Creating a National Park for the West Midlands. A new 21st Century Identity
Moore 2017 The Tame Valley Landscape Vision Development
Moore 2014 Big Skies Big Thinking, A new way of Looking at Thurrock, Design Muse
Oct 2017 WDSO Declaration 2017 (open source)
Nikologianni, A.; Moore, K.; Larkham, P.J. Climate Emergency Adaptation and Sustainable Management Strategies in Rural and Agricultural Landscapes. Infrastructures 2020, 5, 97.
Nikologianni, A.; Larkham, P.J.; Moore, K. Built Environment and Landscape Design as tools for Resilient Cities. Athens Journal of Architecture 2020. 7:1-20.
Nikologianni, A.; Moore, K.; Larkham, P.J. Making Sustainable Regional Design Strategies Successful. Sustainability 2019, 11, 1024.
Nikologianni, A.; Betta, A.; Pianegonda, A.; Favargiotti, S.; Moore, K.; Grayson, N.; Morganti, E.; Berg, M.; Ternell, A.; Ciolli, M.; Angeli, M.; Nilsson, A.M.; Gretter, A. New Integrated Approaches to Climate Emergency Landscape Strategies: The Case of Pan-European SATURN Project. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8419.
Nikologianni, A., Moore, K. & Larkham, P., (2017).‘Effective ways to deliver sustainability in urban and regional landscape strategies’, Acta Hortic.1189 (26), pp131-136., DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1189.26
2019 Saturn Conference, BCU
2018 Launch of the West Midland National Park, Landscape and Infrastructure Conference, BCU and for presentations see
2019 Exhibition at the Saturn Conference, BCU
2018 British Cartographical Symposium, London, August 2018
2018 Exhibition of the launch of the West Midland National Park, Landscape and Infrastructure Conference, BCU
2017 Research Exhibition, BCU, 2017, ADM
2015 Cureton and Moore, Future of Cities Authors Workshop and Festival of the Future City, Foresight, Government Office of Science, Bristol Festival of Ideas, The Festival of the Future City 17-20 Nov
2015 Cureton and Moore, in Future City Exhibition, Festival of Future City Ideas, Foresight, Government Office of Science, 13–19 June, 3Sixty Space, York,
2015 Cureton and Moore in Future City Exhibition, Architecture Ukraine, British Embassy & Izolyatsia Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine 1st July, 31st August
2015 Moore and Cureton, HS2LV drawings exhibited at the RIBA Future Cities Exhibition, Foresight Government Office of Science
2014 Garden City, HS2: A Landscape Vision for Birmingham, Hand Coloured Drawings, Layout Paper, 841 x 594mm 2012 A visual history of the future, published in Future of cities: working paper, Foresight, Office for Science
2013 Moore, HS2LV in Rhythm Presence, HS2LV curated by Paul Cureton, Craig Staff & Robert Clark, C4RD, IADT, RIBA & CUBE (London, Dublin and Manchester)
Landscape and Infrastructure Promo:
Landscape and Infrastructure full list videos :
SATURN Full Promo:
SATURN Short Promo:
SATURN Full list Videos:
BBC Inside Out Documentary: (October 2018)
BBC Sounds: Professor Kathryn Moore features on the Costing the Earth show (interview from 23 minutes).
The Guardian:
Digbeth Conversations: A lively discussion of the urban regeneration of Birmingham, including the National Park.
BBC Midlands Today: Suzanne Virdee takes a closer look at the National Park in the West Midlands project. October 2018
Birmingham Local: Professor Kathryn Moore discusses the National Park project with the local news.
Impakter Magazine: A feature from January 2020 on the National Park project.
Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce: A news article describing the National Park project receiving the green light.
West Midlands Combined Authorities: News article about the National Park project.
Ordnance Survey: Information from July 2019 on the re imagined National Park.
Green Space and Us: Engage with posts, links and more on the National Park project.
Dame Caroline Spelman MP: Caroline writes about the National Park and its importance to the region.
Birmingham Updates: Article on the exciting plans to create the National Park.
Dec 2020 Using a New Concept of Landscape in an Historic Environment to Achieve Cross Disciplinary and Cross Silo Sustainable Development, WORLD HERITAGE SITES: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES FOR URBAN HERITAGE, Kyiv, Ukraine (UNESCO)
Nov 2020 UIA International Conference, Nigeria (World Architecture Day)
Oct 2020 Presentation to the Environment and Energy Board, West Midlands Combined Authority
Sept 2020 Visioning, lecture and Visioning workshop, Saturn Conference, Sweden
Sept 2020, METREX The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas, Lyons
Sept 2019 Lunch and Learn, HS2 seminar, Birmingham and London
Sept 2019 Saturn Seminar, Spain, Sweden, Italy and Birmingham
Sept 2019 Keynote, Hydrock seminar, Well Worth It?
May 2019 Bauhaus 100-year anniversary, 20th International Conference on Information Technologies in Landscape Architecture: Landscape: Informed by Science, Shaped by Design
Oct 2018 Cheltenham University, Fellows Annual Lecture
Sept 2018 Keynote, the Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover, Between Garden Art and Landscape Architecture
June 2018 Keynote, Landscape and Infrastructure June 2018, BCU
May 2018 Presentation to the ULI West Midlands board
April 2018 BCU expert seminar on Digbeth and HS2 (organised by Jo Birch)
Oct 2017 World Design Summit (collection of speeches)
Aug 2017 International Symposium, Confrontations in the Metropolitan Landscape, Amsterdam, Landscape
April 2017 Triennale, Deltametropolis Association Amsterdam
Aug 2017 The Academy of Urbanism and Grosvenor, Birmingham
Jul 2017 5th African Landscape Symposium, Learning the Landscape: the Landscapes of Learning, Rabat, Morocco
Jul 2017 Mentoring Arup/HS2
Jun 2017 The Future of Landscape Education Symposium, Manchester Metropolitan University
Jun 2017 Bucharest, speaker at the IFLA Europe General Assembly
Jun 2017 Masterplanning and Scenery: new ways to deliver infrastructure, PBA seminar, Birmingham
Apr 2017 The idea of landscape: new ways of delivering Infrastructure, COST Orvieto, Nature based solutions for sustainable and resilient cities
Apr 2017 The Idea of Landscape, Design Anthropology: Landscapes and Cities, Harvard, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Mar 2017 The Idea of Landscape, new ways of delivering infrastructure, SHARE Architecture and Engineering conference, Bucharest
Dec 2016 New ways to deliver infrastructure: The making of the Ethiopian Landscape conference, Addis Ababa, University of Ethiopia
Oct 2016 Landscape: Internationalisation and Inspiration’, Manchester Metropolitan University
Sept 2016 HS2LV Transforming the region, “Will the West Midlands be a better place when HS2 arrives?” organised with RSA and ULI at BCU
Jun 2016 Overlooking the visual, Athens June 2016