When looking at the differences between the two projects, the work on perspectives in the film TIPS becomes more subtle. In this film, the perspectives are experienced mainly through the camerawork with close-up shots of the two main characters Pete and Sarah. The role of the protagonist jumps between the two of them throughout the film, with Sarah’s point of view as the perspective that gets the most screentime. During the writing of the script, I focused on creating an understanding for Pete and humanizing both Pete and Sarah by playing with their strengths and weaknesses.
During the preproduction and filming, the characters got lives of their own and through their interactions, the character arcs were clarified even further. The editing process with my editor Aleksandra Sende, became about choosing the strongest moments for each character and when which character should be the one steering the audience’s attention. What I found through the work on the editing was that I needed to take part in the party mood that the group of guys was in, for me to understand what led to the stalking. I needed to see the guys as harmless and just have some fun with them to accept that they would follow Sarah without thinking of the consequences. Starting the film off with a party montage, therefore, became a way for me to enter the guys’ perspective as well and made it easier for me to jump between the two protagonists.