
used cells: 2430

layout: 9h x 9m x 30c

spikes: 528090

sample rate: 10 kHz

duration: 200 s

description: The network shows self activation in 9 cell populations, which are spread over the cell simulation indices. The cells activated at the same time a grouped together in this visualisation below, forming 9 stripes of activity.



Three overview audifications transposing the spikes data into mono sound with different speed factors (44.1, 4.41, and 1). In the slower two transpositions, a clear pitch can be perceived in the second half of the data (after 100s). This feature is not detectible in transpositions with higher integration time than the quantisation (period) of the spike times. Are the first and the second part from the same simulation? Has a simulation parameter been changed? Why would the network exhibit such a change after exactely half of the simulation time?







1 ms bins, integration factor 10, speed factor 44.1, strange beep in the middle

0.1 ms bins, no integration, speed factor 4.41, dramatic change in the middle

no integration, convolved with 16 sample gauss kernel, lower pitch much more pronouced