2015 04 18, Gerhard
On April 12 I received some more data sets from Pawel. The one we wanted, he couldn't find (membrane potential data from the spikes_noosc_200s data set). He shared the following data with us (potential data in italics):
spikes90_15.out, 16384 cells (layout unkown), 20s
alpha_volts30s.out, 405 cells (9x9x5), 30s
noosc_volts30s.out, 405 cells (9x9x5), 30s
higherrates2_spikes10s.out, 2672 cells (layout unkown), 10s
higherrates2_volts10s.out, 405 cells (9x9x5), 10s
2areasspikesISF4.out, 32559 cells (layout unkown), 20s
2areasvoltsISF4.out, 945 cells (layout unknown), 20s
spikesCriticality.out, 8192 cells (unknown layout), 18s
voltsCriticality.out, 1280 cells (16?x16?x5), 18s