Øystein Hauge

Øystein Hauge (1956, Norway) lives in Arna, Bergen. He has had major studies in History of religions, literature and politics. Hauge is an art critic and lecturer in art and theory at Bergen Academy of Art and Design


Øystein Hauge is board member of OCA (Office of Contemporary Art, Norway) 2009-2013. In addition to his position at Bergen Academy of Art and Design he works as a curator and regular contributor to Norwegian art magazines, monographs and catalogues. 

Art critic's statement

Today's artists violate conventions once considered fundamental to art. Their work raises questions as: Is it art if it isn't made by the human hand? Is it art if it isn't the product of an inspired moment? I like to address such questions in my studies and writings, drawing widely on examples from popular culture, film, philosophy and comparative religion. Key concepts: value, context and essence.





