On strategies... and more

On listening... and more

On human - machine... and more

On expectations

On discoveries... and more

On team effort... and more

On control... and more

On aesthetics... and more

On sociality... and more

On dramaturgy... and more

On relief


Read - words

In this section you will find articles, essays, reflection texts, interviews as well as audio or video documentation from discussions.  

Sidsel interviewing Andrea, Morten and Ivar

Sidsel Endresen has been following the project carefully. She has been our observer, commentator, critic and discussion partner. Below are her interviews with Andrea, Morten and Ivar from February and June 2020.

Reflection texts, audio and video material

Reflection text

Reflection texts, audio and video material


© Goodbye Intuition

contact: igrydeland (at) nmh.no

On mystery

On roles

Reflection texts, audio and video material


Reflection texts and video material

Reflection text