I will explore atonality as a sound composition which consists of space and time. My aim is to explore the philosophical sound in everyday life in the contemporary social context. I will focus on four mono discrete sounds as the output for a stereophonic. An example of my work for this project is Variation I and the audio and site-specific installation Les coloris (2010). The link to Vimeo is as follows: https://vimeo.com/26532668. For this installation, I dealt with a Japanese poem that highlights Japanese Surrealism and a Japanese modern poem. Takemitsu had composed the music in this poem. His composition piece focuses on darkness and melancholy. I composed a version of Les coloris which opposes Takemitsu’s piece as a way of creating the harmony of yin yang. This modern poem explains the meaning of Japanese ethics.
A piece for sax + electronics by Patrick Housen Frag the Gods (2013)
4 ch mono discrete sounds, output for a stereophonic, an example of my work is "Les coloris" (2011).
Sound file: No. 09061220_Corona without pianist_Erika Matsunami
This sound is artistic research on subjectivity and objectivity, DNA, Transversal aesthetics
Musical expression: my Vorstellung for DNA and Proteins in the body (alive), ... It is as much as possible to express on space and time in body musically.
We (Music composers, artists, and academic researchers) are standing at the same point as Schönberg today.
In the time of Schönberg, he had understood the theory of relativity by Einstein, what "Nature" could be. His new musical theory is his Vorstellung of "our world" of nature. Schönberg had overcome "Romantic" and its realism. After Schönberg, many composers in the world had explored his new theory in diverse perspectives that is contemporary music, generally, it calls "New music" includes experimental music.
Today, we are knowing about the nature of our body phenomenologically, neuroscientifically, mathematically, biologically and aesthetically.
My sound composition Corona without pianist is a complementation of Space, Time and Body (in the aspect of today's image of natural body) towards Takemitsu's time and space that is performed through Huisman's embodiment, in doing so, Housen transforms Huisman's play with keyboards (Piano and Cembalo) into another transaction. In this Corona without pianist, I explore the subjects of "auditory objectivity and subjectivity" and its transversality.
Thomas Nikolaus Haider ist KI-Forscher am Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik in Frankfurt am Main
Artistic research: Reflection on the auditory and visual aspects of 'site-specific' in arts