A scientist invites a choreographer and dancer for a project. “Science and Art in Dialogue. Theoretical Reflection and Experimental Arrangements” is the title of this undertaking, which developed out of an engagement with the connecting lines of science, art, and gender.
The first experimental arrangement is a space of encounter, of getting to know each other.
While thinking about what we did, and how, and indeed how our actions were developing, there came up terms inspired by Karen Barad’s concept of agential realism. She sees the world according to quantum theory, as an entanglement, an interrelation of forms of knowledge and being. Understanding the world as becoming in the image of diffraction – “a material-discursive phenomenon that challenges the presumed inherent separability of subject and object, nature and culture, fact and value, human and nonhuman” (Barad 2007, 381) – is simultaneously challenging and relieving in the sense of opening up boundaries of thinking which encroach on doing and feeling, stifle it because they attempt to press us into an either-or.
Our approach is one that tries to bring the understanding coming from different disciplinary practices not to rival each other, but to communicate.
It is an entangled approach, for we trace the common ground, the links in art and science rather than the dissociative features. What can we find there? And how can we make it visible, audible, and tangible?