Dear students

This is your digital canvas for your online Exposition on theResearch Catalogue .

Below you will find some links with of examples of Exposition spaces. Feel free to browse through the Research Catalogue for other examples.

If you're interested to help create the Exposition space, please let your teachers know by next week and I will create an account for you and add you to this exposition space. I will give an introduction in class on May 6th.

Best, Emily



How does it work?

It's quite easy, the worspace CMS is like Photoshop for a webpage, you just 'drag and drop' content (images, videos, texts, audio) freely in the space.



- unlimitate space and data use

- you can work together in the same exposition space

- you can choose keep the exposition space private or share it with public


Screenshot of the workspace CMS:

You can make this space even bigger or add pages