Initial Observations and Findings

  1. Programming can now be completely done remotely with internet access and basic editing software.
  2. The internet is the new frontier in terms of exhibtion space for moving image work (not that I prefer this).
  3. Each major distributor is either considering or currently developing some form of a streaming platform for their collection.
  4. Curators and educators have increasingly been researching and watching new work through online previews, screeners, or online platforms like Vimeo.
  5. In the current moment, curators, film festivals, and museums significantly depend on these distributors and drift towards digital tendencies with them. 
  6. The process of distribution has become easier, but also more complicated in the shift towards digital and online.


Moving Image Online Screening and Streaming 

Emily Martin


I would like to use my work at the Video Data Bank to understand how the online availability of experimental moving image work or rare video/film documentation has affected the means of the distribution, curation, and accessibility of this particular kind of work. Video and film distributors/archives like the VDB, LUX, and Electronic Arts Intermix create a precedent on how to handle moving image work within the art world and this has become increasingly engaged with the complexities of digital access, digital copyright, and expansive and inventive film programming. In many ways, this project hopes to break down the digital turn in this field, its positives and negatives, and briefly touch on where it is headed. I will be surveying the last ten years, with a specific focus on the time I have spent at the VDB starting in 2018. I hope to include some personal and anecdotal aspects to this project as my experiences will act as a large part of my research.

Streaming and Access Resources/Information

This is a piece I saw at a film fesitval awhile ago and I was able to find access to it through Youtube. It was on the Interference Festival's channel and they've also uploaded other films/videos.

Possibly in Michigan (1983), Cecilia Condit

A classic at the Video Data Bank.

Mini Moving Image Gallery