Color code Graphic Design: #94e6e0

Post + photos

by [name student]

Note: In case more pictures are connected to the project, make sure to add a line between the images to make clear which images belong to which text. 

Graphic Design

Color code Photography: #94e691

Post + video

by Lily Li

Between my eyes and hands, everything is flowing, like light and wind. Memory is flowing and I can’t think of a certain scene in my life that I want to keep forever. Many moments of my life are flowing, jumping from one to another. I can never hold any moment but just let it slip from my hands, gone. Only senses are real and they are part of me. They are diving into a porous world, constantly being overlapped and reconstructed. Dwelling with these feelings, we, human, could tightly cling to this world.


color code Painting: #e2ff99

Post + slideshow

by Lily Li

Between my eyes and hands, everything is flowing, like light and wind. Memory is flowing and I can’t think of a certain scene in my life that I want to keep forever. Many moments of my life are flowing, jumping from one to another. I can never hold any moment but just let it slip from my hands, gone. Only senses are real and they are part of me. They are diving into a porous world, constantly being overlapped and reconstructed. Dwelling with these feelings, we, human, could tightly cling to this world.



Color code

Drawing: #ca9cb8

Post + audio & image

by [name student]

Note: place the audio fragement in the borders of the text frame.(adjust text frame size to make it fit). Image is placed freely around but stays connected to the text frame.