DIKU, October 2020. 

Two hours of presenting and duscussing the project: Matter, Gesture and Soul

DIKU, October 2020. 

Transmission - Exhibition - Dialogue

DIKU, October 2020. 

Fontainebleau, France

Blombos Cave, South Africa

DIKU, October 2020. 

Transmission - Exhibition - Dialogue

When you get there, there is no there there. 

Gertrude Stein

Professor Theo Barths prepared Work Sheet

Deep Play (Geertz) versus Dis-Play

Blombos Cave

09:00:29   From Ingrid Milde, Diku :  Please be muted during the presentation‚Äã


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09:11:21   From jeremywelsh : When asking a question, please state your role / position and institution (if any) you belong to
09:28:45   From Anne-Helen Mydland : We don‚Äôt see it
09:29:01   From Eliot Moleba : Did it anyone see the picture?
09:29:04   From jeremywelsh : We don‚Äôt see the picture, only text screen
09:58:40   From √Ösil B√∏thun : https://kunstnerforbundet.no/utstillinger/1287/arkeologiske-erindringer
09:59:17   From √Ösil B√∏thun : This is a link to my exhibition that is showing some of these works
10:45:33   From Tiril Schr√∏der : could you put the recommendations in the chat, Theo?
11:01:48   From jeremywelsh : Theo - what was the book you mentioned, aura and atmosphere?  Relevant for Lossius and me :-)
11:04:21   From theodor,barth@khio.no : f, Boehme, Gernot (1993) ‚ÄúAtmosphere as the Fundamental Concept of a New Aesthetics‚Äù in Thesis Eleven, Sage Publications, pp. 113-126.
11:05:20   From jeremywelsh : Theo, takk!
11:05:45   From theodor,barth@khio.no : Simondon is in French, but some of the ideas are here:
11:05:47   From theodor,barth@khio.no : http://topologicalmedialab.net/xinwei/classes/readings/Simondon/Combes_Simondon_Transindividual_ch1-2.pdf
11:05:55   From Tiril Schr√∏der : takk1
11:10:40   From Anne-Helen Mydland : Great point @Elin, very much looking forward to how you will work with creating that space/method/set-up of co-cretion and co-operation in the project.
11:12:43   From Elin T. S√∏rensen : thanx! it was an essential part of my phd research

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