Kyoto International Manga Museum

Research around cryospheric landscapes

in Japanese science fiction manga,

and around the representation of snow, ice,

frost in the art of manga.
In collaboration with:

Mr. Ito Yu, Ph.D

IMRC (International Manga Research Center)

Ms. Sookyung Yoo, Ph.D
IMRC (International Manga Research Center)


de l'Ekumen, photoscenic piece n°3 (in progress)

Research, Tests, Matters

Villa Kujoyama, February-March 2020

Decors/Scenography SF

Research around the history of theatre and opera sets and scenographies in connection with science fiction.
Making of 21 sets models
Tests of cryogenization of the models

Oshiroi 白粉 / White makeup powders
Research on the different qualities of Japanese white makeup powders,
artisanal and industrial.
Work on the powdering of the skin and on the association between powder
make-up and cosmic dust (stardust)

Architectonics of Villa Kujoyama

Research on foundations and main materiality (concrete)
of the Villa Kujoyama from Mr Kunio Kato's design plans.
Work with the architecture of the Villa indoor and outdoor
for the staging the play.

Research on kneaded paper/momigami もみ和紙

Tests of kneaded photographic prints, inspired by the Japanese momigami technique, and first attempts to transform the result into a spherical 3D bump mapping. These spheres being projected towards a possibility of holographic rendering.

Dry ice smoke

Tests to obtain a moving, thick and lasting "smoke floor".
Meeting in Tokyo with Mrs. Fujiko Nakaya with whom we were able to exchange around her work on fog sculptures, as well as on the photographic work on snowflakes and ice crystals of her
physicist-glaciologist father Ukichiro Nakaya.

Research on gofun 胡粉

Visit to the NAKAGAWA gofun factory.
胡粉 is an opaque white pigment made from pulverized high quality oyster shells which were left to dry ten to twenty years before the transformation process.)

Hydrogel bead deformation tests

Hydrogel beads (deodorant for bathrooms and toilets) are put under diverse ambient conditions during the residency: freezing, heating, outdoor exposure to weather changes.

Research on glasscraft from Kansai

The meeting with Mr Arakawa, glass craftsman, scheduled for the end of March in his workshop was canceled due to the spread of the covid19 virus. Postponed in 2021.

Warm thanks to: KYOTO INTERNATIONAL MANGA MUSEUM 京都国際マンガミュージアムMr. ITO Yu 伊藤, Ms.Yoo Sookyung ユースギョン, Ms. NAKAYA Fujiko 中谷 芙二子, Ms. IMA Tenko 貂子, NAKAGAWA GOFUN ENOGU CO.,LTD. ナカガワ胡粉絵具株式会社 Mr. NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki 中川博之and Ms. NAKAGAWA Yukiko 中川裕季子, Kyoto International Conference Center 公益財団法人国立京都国際会館 Mr. HAMAAKI Akihiro 浜秋明博, Seikosha Glass Studio 晴耕社ガラス工房 Mr. ARAKAWA Naoya 荒川尚也, 山本合金製作所 Mr. YAMAMOTO Akihisa 山本晃久, et to all Villa Kujoyama team members.

Research around makyo 魔境, "magic mirror".

The meeting with Mr Yamamoto, makyo craftsman, scheduled for the beginning of April in his workshop was canceled due to the spread of the covid19 virus. Postponed in 2021.

