Mappings, erasures, new mappings.
Knittings, unknittings, unknitting the water or the control of it.
webs of nerve that lay white and limp,
have filled and spread themselves and float round us like filaments,
making the air tangible and catching in them far-away sounds unheard before' — The Waves
'So, the potential
is of course
to make ourselves different encounters
with places,
and materials
for activation
(or interaction)
and by that slowly building up our
"To our great dead, the fatherland is grateful" is written on the Pantheon: Where are the revolutionary tricotteuses capable of unknitting this much too-tight tissue? On what facade do we see: "To the living, the homeland reviving"?
Paris: Invisible City
Bruno Latour & Emilie Hermant, p. 98
'I would really try to experiment
with the movement
profile of the city in a way that involves a variety o f sens ory regi sters.'
'How can we use
the notion of fabric
to bridge between
the textural and infrastructural,
material and perceptual etc.'
'Now there are open spaces with asphalt paths upon which it that people
is strange
should now be walking' —The Waves