participatory work

Murmuration #5 transmit

Hosted by Jez Riley French and Phoebe Law Riley

Glenshee, Scotland




Tuesday, June 4

21:00–22:00 Fragmenturgy Transmissions

Talk, Jenny


How may field recording rituals may be practiced to re-tune ourselves back to listening; back to a listening mode of empathy and a re-store our connection with our approximate surroundings and place; fellow humans, more than human beings – and nature.



Wednesday, June 5

10:00- approx.17:00 Fragmenturgy Transmissions (practical session including breaks and individual work)


In this practical session, we will closely re-explore and be-with a limited habitat existing within our approximate surroundings, via various modes of listening. Each of us will record personal fragments that we will collectively and carefully transmit back in interplay with the site.


Info and preparation

For this session, you will need:

·       A smartphone or a computer for transmission of sound (play-out). (Some possibilities for playing out straight from recording device via mini tele too.)

·       Recording equipment of your choice (any recording device works; mobile phone to Sound device). The sound will later be transferred onto VLC for playout.

·       Something to sit on.

·       Mosquito repellent

·       Pen and paper.

·       Pack lunch (optional)


Before the session you need to:

·       Download VLC (or other preferred play-out app) to your phone or computer.


Relevant reading

·       Sunesson, Jenny: “Ephiphanies of an Invisible weave” (2023).


Translated by Steven Cuzner.


More about fragmenturgy methods and actions: