As a performer, it is always intriguing to work and learn diverse perceptions from people of other expertise. Since 2018, working with Tacet(i) Ensemble, a contemporary ensemble based in Thailand, has provided opportunities for me to collaborate with people from various backgrounds, careers, and cultures. From personal perception, the collaborative process is a critical driving aspect of the community, the economy, and new possibilities in every system, including music and art societies.


This research aims to generate the art form, which cooperates human senses in collaboration with experts from various professions by focusing on two senses, gustation and audition.  The content of the research includes 5 parts: (1) Inspirations on the topic - the provocative factors which triggered impressions/exploration on the topic of multisensory/ crossmodal correspondences and the experience at a fine dining restaurant. (2) Interview - an interview with a neurological doctor to explore the possibility from a neuroscience perspective. (3) Crossmodal correspondences in both flavour perception and audition – elaboration on terminology, types, characteristics, and scientific outcomes on the topic. (4) Synaesthesia - a terminology, cause of the condition and cases on this relative subject. (5) Applications and directions toward musical performance - an integration and collaboration process with the composer to design flavoured musical piece.