
ADER, Bas Jan, Thoughts unsaid, then forgotten,1973.

___ Primary time, 1974.

AHTILA, Eija-Liisa, Potentiality for Love, 2018.

___ Studies on the Ecology of Drama, 2014.

___ The House, 2002.

ALŸS, Francis, Cut, 2015.

___ Tornado, 2010.

___ The Nightwatcher, 2004.

___ When Faith Moves Mountains, 2002.

___ Paradox of Practice 1 (Sometimes Doing Something Leads to Nothing), 1997.

ANDREOTTA CALÒ, Giorgio, Senza Titolo (La fine del mondo), 2017.

ANTONIONI, Michelangelo, Blow up, 1966.

APPIA, Adolphe. Design for Orpheus, 1913.

___ Design for Parsifal, act one, ca. 1896.

ARCIER, Hugo, Ghost City, 2016.

ARDOUVIN, Pierre, Etudes pour écrans de veille, 2013-14.

___ Tout est affaire de Décors (Exhibition), 2016.

ARLANDER, Annette, Animal Days and Nights II & I, 2003-2014.

___ Animal Years I & II, 2003-2014.

ASHER, Michael, Kunstraum Vienna (viewing South), 1996.

ATKINS, Ed, Old Food, 2017-19.

___ Ribbons, 2014.

BAGA, Trisha, Flatlands, 2010.

BECKETT, Samuel, Squad, 1981.

___ Ghost trio, 1975.

___ Not I, 1972.

___ Breath, 1969.

___ Oh les beaux jours, 1961.

___ Fin de Partie, 1957.

BEL, Jérôme, Véronique Doisneau, 2004.

___ The show must go on, 2001.

BELL, Larry, 6 x 6: An Improvisation, 2014.

BENCHAMMA, Kader, Cosma, 2019.

BERRADA, Hicham, Mesk-ellil, 2015.

BIARD, François-Auguste, La Recherche, c. 1840.

(VON) BISMARK, Julius, Die Mimik der Téthys, 2019.

____ Landscape painting (Exhibition), 2015.

BISMUTH, Julien, Dessin avec oubli de dessein, 2006.

BORGES, Jorge Luis, oeuvres complètes, 1923-86.

BOWIE, David. Aladdin Sane (Album), 1973.

(VON) BRANDENBURG, Ulla, Seven Curtains, 2018.

___ Kulissen (Sceneries), 2011.

___ Forest, 2011.

___ Singspiel, 2009.

BRECHT, George, Event glass, 1959.

BROAD, Terence, Blade Runner—Autoencoded, 2016.

CAGE, John, Organ²/ASLSP (As Slow As Possible), 1987.

___ 4′33″,1952.

CALLE, Sophie, Fantômes, 1989.

CANAL, Giovanni Antonio, a.k.a. Canaletto, La Commedia dell'Arte sulla Piazza San Marco, c.1720-23.

CANTARELLA, Robert, La Réplique, 2016.

___ Le musée vivant, 2012.

CARDIFF, Janet & BURES MILLER, George, Ghost machine, 2005.

CATTELAIN, Claude, Fabrica/Brighton - day 10 reloaded, 2016.

CASTELLUCCI, Romeo, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso, 2008.

___ Tragedia Endogonidia, 2002-2004.

CAZENAVE, Franck, I LIVE (by the ocean), 2014.

CHEKHOV, Anton, The Seagull, 1896.

___ Uncle Vanya, 1898.

CLAERBOUT, David, The Pure Necessity, 2016.

___ Orchestra, 2011.

(DE) COINTET, Guy, Tell me, 1979.

CONDIT, Outi, Remote-Control-Human, 2017 - ongoing.

DADA journal, 8 issues, 1917-21.

DEAN, Tacita, The Book End of Time, 2013.

___ The green ray, 2001.

DEKYNDT, Edith, Slow Object 06, 2013.

DELBECQ, Marcelline, Silence Plateau, 2005.

DIBBETS, Jan, Land And Sea Horizons, 2007

DIGNE, Rebecca, Radeau, 2018.

DION, Mark, Theatre of the Natural World, 2018.

___ & Arseny ZHILYAEV. Future Histories (Exhibition), 2015.

DISCRIT, Julien, Agathes, 2017.

___ Décalques. Ciel voilé et soleil couchant d'un après-midi d'été, sur les bords du fleuve Saint-Laurent,

près d'une pile du pont Jacques Cartier, le 27 juillet 2015, 2015.

___ Terrae Incognitae, 2015.

(DE) DOMINICIS, Gino, Tentativo di Volo, 1969.

DRUHLE, Louise, Atlas Critique d'Internet, 2015.

DUCHAMP, Marcel, Étant Donnés, 1946-66.

ECHAKHCH, Latifa, La dépossession, 2014.


ELIASSON, Olafur, The Weather Project, 2013.

___ Your Windless Arrangement, 1997.

___ Beauty, 1993.

EPAMINONDA, Haris, Chimera, 2019.

ERCIYAS, Begum, Pillow Talk, 2019.

___ Voicing Pieces, 2016.

ETCHELLS, Tim, Everything is Lost, 2018.

___ with Vlatka HORVAT, No Contextual Information, 2017.

___ Empty stages, 2003-ongoing.

EXPO'70, Nihon bankoku hakuran-kai, 1970.

FAROCKI, Harun, Parallel I, 2012.

FILLIOU, Robert, No-plays, 1964.

FISCHLI, Peter, & WEISS, David, Untitled (Equilibrium Series), 1986.

FLOYER, Ceal, Greener Grass, 2018.

___ show (Exhibition), 2009.

FONTANA, Lucio, Teatrino bianco, 1968.

FOURNIER, Abelardo, The Quivering of the Reed, 2019.

FOURNIER, Thierry, Ecotone, 2015.

FRIEDL, Peter, Teatro (Exhibition), 2019.

GADONNEIX, Marina, Storm, 2012.

GANDER, Ryan, Tank with Entrance to a clearing, 2013.

GARCIA, Dora, La bolsa dorada, 1995.

___ Segunda Vez, 2018.

GARCIA TORRES, Mario, The Strange Things my Eyes See, 2015.

___ What Happens in Halifax Stays in Halifax, 2004–2006.

GASC, Anne-Valérie, Vitrifications, 2019.

GENOD, Yves-Noel, Je m'occupe de vous personnellement, 2012.

GLASS, Philip & Robert WILSON, Einstein on the Beach, 1975.

GOEBBELS, Heiner, Everything that happened and would happen, 2018.

___ Stifters Dinge, 2007.

___ Eraritjaritjaka, 2004.

___ Hashirigaki, 2000.

GOMMEL, Matthias, Delayed, 2002.

GONZALEZ-FOERSTER Dominique, & Joianne BITTLE, Chronotopes, Dioramas and Cosmoramas, 2009-19.

GONZALEZ-FOERSTER, Dominique, Endodrome, 2019.

___ Parc Central, 2005.

___ 1887-2058 (Exhibition), 2015.

___ M.2062 (Fitzcarraldo), 2014.

GONZALEZ-TORRES, Felix, "Untitled" (Golden), 1995.

GOZLAN, Laura, Demortalized Wasteland, 2018.

___ Physical Self (Exhibition), 2017.

GRAHAM, Dan, Present Continuous Past(s), 1974.

HALONEN, Henna Riikka, Placeholder, 2017.

HASSIBI, Maria, Staging: Lighting Wall #2, 2017.

HATAKEYAMA, Naoya, Camera Series, 1993.

HAYSDan, Wanderlust, 2015.

___ First Light, 2012.

HENROT, Camille, Saturday, 2017.

HERITIER, Rémy, Time Based Exhibition, 2013.

HERREGRAVEN, Femke, Sprawling Swamps. 2016-ongoing.

HOLT, Nancy, Sun Tunnels, 1973-76.

HUYGHE, Pierre, After Alife Ahead, 2017.

___ Pierre Huyghe (Exhibition), 2013.

___ Untilled, 2011-2012.

___ The Host and the Cloud, 2010.

___ Timekeeper, 2002.

___ Expédition scintillante, 2002.

___ The Third Memory, 1999.

___ Trajet, 1992.

___ Remake, 1994-1995.

IBGHY, Richard, & Marilou LEMMENS, Each Number Equals One Inhalation and One Exhalation, 2016–ongoing.

IKEDA, Ryoji, Data-verse, 2019

___ test-pattern, 2008-ongoing.

___ datamatics, 2006-ongoing.

ISOZAKI, Arata. Solaris (Exhibition). 2014.

ISRAEL, Alex, Sky Backdrop, 2016.

JANNSSENS, Ann Veronika, Untitled (Prism), 2015.
KABAKOV, Ilya & Emilia, The Palace of Projects, 1998.

KANTOR, Tadeusz, The Sea Concert, The Panoramic Sea Happening,1967.

KAPROW, Allan, Fluids, 1967.

KAUL, Shambhavi, 21 Chittakoot, 2012.

KELLEY, Mike, Lumpenprole, 1991.

___ Performance related objects, 1977.

KELLOKUMPU, Simo, Seasons as Choreographers,Where Over the World is Astronaut Scott Kelly ? 2016.

___ a guest. 2015.

___ #CHARP, 2017.

KIEFFER, Anselm, Family pictures, 2013-2017.

KITTELMANN, Udo, Curator, The Boat is Leaking. The Captain Lied., feat. Alexander KLUGE, Thomas DEMAND and Anna VIEBROCK, 2017.

KJARTANSSON, Ragnar, Seul celui qui connaît le désir (Exhibition), 2015.

___ The Explosive Sonics of Divinity, 2014.

___ Feuerchen!, 2011.

KLEE, Paul, Sonorité Ancienne, 1925.

KLEIN, Yves, Le Théâtre du Vide, 1960.

KOKKONEN, Tuija, Chronopolitics with Dogs and Plants, 2014.

LAITINEN, Tuomas A., The Great Report (Liminal Cluster), 2017.

LARSSEN, Edvine, Verging (TKF), 2016

LAUWERS, Jan, La Chambre d'Isabella, 2004.

LECCIA, Ange, Le Baiser, 1985.

___ Maria Callas, 1982.

LUCAS, Renata, Falha, 2012.

___ Cabeça e cauda de cavalo, 2010.

MACLARTY, Ian, The Catacombs of Solaris, 2016.

MALLARMÉ, Stéphane, Un coup de dés jamais nabolira le hasard, 1914.

MARKER, Chris, Level Five, 1996.

___ Sans Soleil, 1982.

___ La Jetée, 1962.

MATTA-CLARK, Gordon, Conical Intersect., 1975.

___ Day's End (Pier 52), 1975.

___ Bingo, 1974.

___ Splitting, 1974.

MCMULLEN, Ken, Ghost Dance, 1983.

MEDIENGRUPPE BITNIK h3333333k, 2015.

MENKMAN, Rosa, DCT: SYPHONING. The 1000000th interval., 2015.

METAHAVEN, The Sprawl, 2016.

MOGARRA, Joachim, Vue des Monts Togo, 1985.

MORIN, Gwénaël, Le Foyer/Le Choeur, 2007.

MORRIS, Robert, with Carolee SCHNEEMANN, Site, 1964.

___ Performance 21.3, 1964

___ Box with the Sound of Its Own Making, 1961.

MROUÉ, Rabih, The Pixelated Revolution, 2012.

NABUQI - Destination, 2018.

NADAL, Marie-Luce, Cloud Extracts, 2014.

NAITO, Rei, Matrix, 2010.

NISHIZAWA, Ryue, Teshima Art Museum, 2010.

NELSON, Mike, Three versions of Judas, 2010.

NOUVEL, Constance, Décors, 2009-16.

ONDAK, Roman, Loop, 2009.

ONO, Yoko, Painting for the wind, 1961.

OTEIZA, Jorge, Portrait of the Holy Ghost, 1959.

___ Homage to the Empty Style of Cubism, 1959.

OTHER SPACES COLLECTIVE, Reindeer Safari, 2010.

(THE) OTOLITH GROUP, Medium Earth, 2013.

ORLOW, Uriel, Soil Affinities (Exhibition), 2018.

PALOSAARI, Sari, Time is out of joint (Exhibition), 2018.

___ Air Gap, 2014.

___ By the way, 2014.

PARRENO, Philippe, A Time Coloured Space (Exhibition), 2017.

___ Anywhen, 2016.

___ With a Rhythmic Instinction to be Able to Travel Beyond Existing Forces of Life, 2014.

___ Anywhere, anywhere out of the world (Exhibition), 2013.

___ C.H.Z., 2011.

PENONE, Giuseppe, Il verde del bosco con ramo, 1987.

PÉTREL, Aurélie, Fukushima, 2014.

____ Chambre à Tokyo, 2011.

____ Backstage, 2010.

____ Tokyo Bay, 2011.

PORTER, Laura, The Future of Dry (Exhibition), 2016.

PROUST, Marcel, À la recherche du temps perdu, 1913-27.

QUESNE, Philippe, Crash Park Circus (Installation), 2019.

___ La Démangeaison des ailes, 2003.

___ L'Effet de Serge, 2007.

RACINE, Jean, Phèdre, 1677.

RAHM, Philippe, Climatorium, 2016.

___ Climate Uchronia, 2008.

RAMIREZ, Enrique, Cruzar un muro, 2013.

RÉMY, Sébastien, Chairs missing, 2015.

___ The Voices from Space, 2009.

ROED, Ellen J., Uten tittel (Norsk retorikk), 2014.

___ The Volcano (Elektra). 2012.

___ Atlas, 2009.

ROCHE, François, S/He would rather do FICTION MAKer (Exhibition), 2016.

RUFF, Thomas, Jpeg tr01, 2007.

SANDER, Karin, Zeigen, 2006.

SALAMON, Eszter, Dance for Nothing, 2010.

SARACENO, Tomas, Acqua Alta: en Clave de Sol, 2019.

___ 32SW Stay Green/Flying Garden/Air-Port-City, 2007.

SCHLINGENSIEF, Christof, Kaprow City, 2006.

SEHGAL, Tino, This situation, 2011.

SHAKESPEARE, William, The Tempest, 1611–12

___ The Winter’s Tale. 1610–11.

___ Coriolanus, 1607–08.

___ King Lear, 1605–06.

___ Hamlet, 1600–01.

___ A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1595-96.

SIGNER, Roman, Bogen (Tag), 1978.

SMITH, John, The girl chewing gum, 1976.

SMITH, Kiki, Harbor, 2015.

SMITHSON Robert, and Nancy HOLT, Swamp, 1971.

___ Floating Island to Travel Around Manhattan Island, 1970-2005.

___ Yucatan Mirror Displacements,1969.

___ Non Site - Site Uncertain, 1968.

SORRANO RIVAS, Leonor, An ornamental way of moving, 2015.

SCHÖTTLE  Rüdiger, Curator, Theatergarden/bestiarium (Installation-Exhibition), 1989–92.

SHERMAN, Stuart, Hamlet (A Portrait), 1981.

STEYERL, Hito, This is the Future, 2019.

___ Deresolution Tools, 2014.

STRACKE, Caspar, redux/time/OUT OF JOINT, 2015-16.

STRAUS, Adam, Glitch at the Edge of Antarctica, 2016.

STREHLER, Giorgio, Il giardino dei ciliegi,1974.

SUGIMOTO, Hiroshi, Arctic Ocean, 1980.

___ Original forest in Northern Pennsylvania, 1980.

___ Theatres (1976 - )

___ Dioramas, 1976-94.

___ Appropriate Proportion "Go-Oh Shrine", 2002.

___ Time Exposed, 2006.

SUPERSTUDIO, Cerimonia, 1973.

TALEC, Nathalie, Self-Portrait with Detector of Aurora Borealis, Series Strategic Self-Portraits, 1986.

TAMURA, Yuichiro, End Game, 2017.

THAEMLITZ, Terre, Lovebomb/Ai No Bakudan, 2003–05.
THE PLAY, Current of Contemporary Art,1969.

TROUVÉ, Tatiana, Untitled, 2007.

TSAI MING-LIAN, Good-bye, Dragon Inn, 2003.

TZU NYEN, Ho, The King Lear Project, 2008.

VADROT, Olivier, Cavea, 2016.

VELÁZQUEZ, Diego, Las Meninas,1656.

VERDONCK, Kris, IN VOID, 2017.

___ END, 2008.

VIGIER, Annie, & Franck APERTET a.k.a. Les gens d’Uterpan, Library, 2017–ongoing.

___ Scène à l’italienne (Proscenium), 2014–ongoing.

___ Absence, 2011-ongoing.

VIENNE, Gisèle, Crowd, 2017.

___ This is how you will disappear, 2010.

VONNA-MICHELL, Tris, Finding Chopin: Dans l'Essex, 2014.

WALDMEIER, Martin, Curator, La Voix du Traducteur (Exhibition), 2015.

WALL, Jeff, The Destroyed Room, 1978.

____ Restoration, 1993.

WILSON, Robert, Orlando (French Version), 1993.

___ Hamletmachine, 1983.

WEERASETHAKUL, Apichatpong, in collaboration with Tsuyoshi HISAKADO, Synchronicity. 2018.

___ Memoria (Exhibition), 2017.

___ Fever room, 2016.

___ Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, 2014.

___ Native Lands (Exhibition), 2010.

___ Tropical Malady, 2004.

(THE) WOOSTER GROUP, Hamlet, 2007.

___ Rumstick Road, 1977.

ZAKARIA, Haythem, Interstices // Opus. I, 2017.

_ graphies



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