Double Trouble Oil and Trouble
or La Dispute
or Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1610) and Ostrovsky’s The Storm (1859) biting.
Two books, cardboard and paper – Courtesy of the Theatre Academy Library of Helsinki
For Lewis and Maslin the new geological era began around the year 1610, with an unusual drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the irreversible exchange of species between the "New" and "Old" Worlds. Other researchers argue that the Anthropocene began with the discovery and exploitation of oil in 1859. In the same year, the implications of Darwin’s discoveries established that Homo sapiens are simply part of the animal continuum with no special origin. Whatever date is chosen to point the origin of the epoch, it marks a turn in temporal representation, from Western arbitrary visions on time and the way they would be imposed to the ‘rest of the world’, to a ‘real’ timing, that of the coundown to the Sixth Extinction (Kolbert, 2014). One of the result of this turn is the actual deregulation of weather phenomena e.g. the increasing of number and violence of tempests/storms.