

Memory experiment/Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse (Lyon, France)
With: Muriel Coadou, Gilles Chabrier, Nathalie Ortega & Valérie Larroque


The director meets four actors, one-by-one, that he directed seven years before the meeting, on the same stage where the re-encounter takes place. When they arrive, the performers don’t know the reason of the meeting. The director then asks them to try to remember exactly, in the almost-dark black box, their textual and corporeal parts in the diptych-play that they created together seven years before. The transtemporal performance as contemporary ars memoriae practice is documented through photographs and notes.

More photographs of each session and a transcription of what was said (selected notes) by each performer meanwhile s-he tried to remember are available by clicking on each image above.