One of the exercises I did during my research was to follow people who are cleaning houses. On this page, I share an interview with the person who cleans my house in Colombia. During this follow-up, I was able to revalidate several of the concepts that I had been following and developing in my research.
- Just like Marie Kondo in general, the cleaning people find the spaces as living beings with their own personality.
- Hybrid spaces: the women who clean, clean each new house as if it were their own, order things according to their own customs and use tools and products they use in their private spaces. the houses of the people who clean begin to have elements of the houses where they work. to some extent when working in a foreign house, the house of the person who cleans is a role model; but when the person who cleans is in his own house, he follows models of organization of the houses where he works.
- Ephemeral personal information: when entering a private space as a family home, there are many elements and situations loaded with private and intimate information. The person who cleans by the naturalness of his trade has contact with this information, which becomes ephemeral confidential and is only used in the same order of space, but not outside it.