At my mother’s house, in her childhood, the horses of the Spanish “conquerors” (invaders, thieves, rapists) were still heard in the nights after their long days, the curious thing was that these men and horses had died more than 400 years ago, but their movement was still part of the house.

In these drawings, you can see an organic and simplistic interpretation of certain spaces. they are not house plans, but mental maps that are close to what I have been talking about in relation to MARIE KONDO: the personality of the house.
For example, in some drawings here, the kitchen is in the center and the whole house converges around it even when in reality the kitchen is in another geographical point.

 I found the definition of the kitchen as “center” in my mother’s house, where everything revolves around this space. Although the kitchen is not architecturally the center of the house, it seems to be located in the center of the universe where elements of many worlds coexist and is a necessary step of movements, people, events and actions.