Looking for layers;
finding fragments

Through a three-year long artistic research fellowship project, completed in 2011, I explored identity design and branding of places. The project made me interested in the opposite of simplification. I started to look for all the different layers and the small and unstable fragm­ents that makes a place, and to investigate the relationship between place and personal identity; between belonging and loss. 

Arendalsuka, Norway

August 16, 2018

Nicosia, Cyprus

March, 2018

Kangerlussaque, Greenland

November, 2018

(Click on image to open pdf)

Process book 2 (pdf)

August 2018 – March 2019


It was the Tupilac that took over my house and made the light fade. I had already met him in a dream, and when I arrived Greenland, it was too late.

Nothing was up, Vaksdal, Norway

February 1-3, 2019

(Click on image to open pdf)

Process book 1 (pdf)

July 2017 – August 2018

 «Vaksdal, March 26, 2018


Stitching. I’m home, sorting papers. One of the postcards has sharp stripes illustrating a cornfield. My body reacts. I feel the pain from the barley once more».


July 12, 2017


Walking around in my village, Vaksdal. I present the site to the visitors, while  I suddenly realize: My place has no souvenirs. What you see and what I´m telling you; is what you get. My story is about feeling welcome, be free. Posting photos on FaceBook, Instagram: I´m loading the place with stories of belonging, community, citizen power. 

Telavåg, Norway

November, 2018