
[1] For a discussion on the topic see the books by Susanne Langer (1942; 1953) about feeling and form in a philosophical approach to art and expression.

[2] From the same object of study, every scholar will deduct different result, because a “personal lens” is always included in any vision. This is true for traditional methods such as for visual methods. As Geertz (1973) said, it is not just the data observed that has to be considered interpretation, but also the theory in base of which the interpretation is made.

[3] Margaret Mead was one of the first anthropologists to make systematic use of the visual method of photography in anthropological research within her studies in Bali and New Guinea in the second half of the 1940s. 

[4]Geertz (1973) talks about “thick description”, by saying that anthropology is not an activity of observation, but of interpretation of structures of meanings that are proper to a culture. The role of the anthropologist is to discover those structures and then to interpret them. 




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