II.III Uses and consumption

'The Shop of the Heads', Oil on canvas, 2017

'Big Fishing II', Oil on canvas, 2017

'Use and consumption', Oil on canvas 2015

'Big Fishing', Oil on canvas, 2015

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We wait in the queue to take ownership of those essential things that we have selected from the shelves. Personifying our possessions, in our minds we have always owned them. This is our entitlement. There were countless selections, each identically equal to the others in their anonymity. Objects made and conceived by others, not of our own hands, not of our sweat, beyond our knowledge. 



Meat and clothing - sources unknown. Ample car-like trolleys discourage scrutiny. Swift and convenient - the perfect system of consumerism ignores its imperfection. Far from the sight lies forgotten refuse. The timeless struggle of the waves washes thoughts away. Beyond the rubbish, the sea.


The sacrifice of the Earth brings the fall of humankind. The enormous sacrifice has depleted the little source. Outside from the water, a fish too big has overturned the hunters into its pond.


 In a red desert a new business is born: You can replace that blue head, empty space of a forgotten consciousness, with the comfortable design of a new thinking head, factory style, safety and certainty of never being too different, illusion of being one.

'In the queue', Oil on paper, 2015

'Man alone', Oil on canvas, 2014

'Father', Oil on canvas, 2018