
No. 4

Page_mathemathische Dinge/mathematical things (Y, X, Z)_parctical exploring_04


Start of practical exploration: mathemathische Dinge (Y, X, Z)

End of practical exploration: mathemathische Dinge (Y, X, Z)

 e c t i o n






e c t i o n

Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Mauric Merleau Ponty





In the 20th Century, therefore I refer to the XYZ Portfolio by American artist Robert Mapplethorpe. I think that he holds the degree of BA in fine arts, although he didn't study specifically in photography, he had explored interesting art theory in the 20th century through photography practically.

desire of artist

In the 21st century...

limited of computer science (such as the symbolism of statistic, knowing of the unlimited natural phenomena, and so on...), at the same time, it is the challenging of them together with system engineering and other science disciplines.

No matter how much science advances, we are in the law of nature which is out of humans' thought. All things require humans to study and to studay and to study and to study ... We are never sure with things and its event, I mean thereby such as the case of COVID-19 pandemic with virus and its event...

By the machine, it is one of the method for the solutions. It depends on how humans use the machine and for what...

Experimental poem by Erika Matsunami, 2020 June

In the works

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ECTION - Mathematische Dinge/Mathematical things (Y, X, Z)

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* Experimentation in Tanka Untitled 無題2020:

Tanka (hereafter referred to as waka) consists of five lines (literally “phrases”) of 5-7-5-7-7 on or syllabic units. Usually, the Expression of Tanka is the perception of things in events and its environment by words without season words, furthermore, I attempted to express by words the geistig dimensions through the notion of season words 'spring/春 (haru)'. (In Tanka express the season that doesn't use Season words such as 'spring/春 (haru)', in which rule of Haiku uses the Season words. 'Season' is expressed in Tanka is through the association. For example "In the distance, Voice of bush warbler..." means coming spring.)


The notion of season words 'spring/春 (haru)' such as renewed in the circle system, or time of helix, it is 春分/Shunbun in Buddhism's culture and Easter in Christian culture.

 In the Japanese Calendar/Kyureki 旧暦 that was based on the lunisolar Chinese calendar, 春分/Shunbun on the 20th of March in 2020 is on the 12th of April in 2020 in the Gregorian calendar. On the 12th of April in 2020 was Easter Sunday.

 The traditional name of the month of March in the Japanese calendar is Yayoi弥生 that means “new life“.

Experimetal poem by Erika Matsunami, I have been exploring and writing in Artistic research ECTION - Mathematische Dinge/Mathematical things (Y, X, Z) since early 2020, especially after Corona-Pandemic, I have been working continuously.

References in mathematische Dinge (Y, X, Z):


- BARTHES, Roland, Mythen des Alltags, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1964

- ECO, Umberto, Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986

- FOUCAULT, Michel, EWALD, François, and DEFERT, Daniel (Hrsg.), Ästhetik der Exisitenz: Schriften zur Lebenskunst, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2007. 

- MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice, Le visible et l'invisible, Paris: Gallimard, 1988




List of Figures and Images in mathematische Dinge (Y, X, Z)

俳句/Haiku: 5-7-5 (17 MoraFixed verse

短歌/Tanka: 5-7-5-7-7 (31 Mora)

Tanka (hereafter referred to as waka) consists of five lines (literally “phrases”) of 5-7-5-7-7 on or syllabic units.

Higan (彼岸) is a Buddhist holiday exclusively celebrated by Japanese sects during both the Spring equinox (shunbun) and Autumnal equinox (shūbun).

Traditional Chinese calendar

- Lunisolar calendar

- Traditional Japanese calendar 







-> Sound compostion

-> Sound compostion