Page: Interviews in speech (original recording) and in writing (EN/DE)->
Synonyms and Antonyms of totalitarianism
- in times of crisis, when a nation's people are frightened, there are often calls for totalitarianism
absolutism, autarchy, authoritarianism, autocracy, Caesarism,
A comment of this ongoing research in this part: In this part of artistic research with interviews, I'm attempting for developing the method with the questions as well "how can we appreciate the alteration of the society?". Furthermore, I'm exploring the following words in German and in Englisch, perhaps I should research them also in Russian and in French which relates to the story-tellings by Berliners.
Im Interview sind wichtige Themen Rückblick und Vorstellung als Vorausschau im Kontext von städtischer Räumlichkeit und sozialen Prozessen. In den Interviews werden Berliner*innen zu ihrer Erinnerung sowie zu raumbezogenen Aspekten von Gemeinschaften, Kulturen, Ökonomien und den Interaktionen mit ihrer Umwelt befragt, um ihre Beziehungen zu und über Raum und Ort aus individueller, subjektiver Perspektive zu deuten sowie die Beeinflussung oder die wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der räumlichen Ebene von Menschen und der Natur, die für den Menschen die Ebene der Umwelt ist, in Frage zu stellen.
Synonyms and Antonyms of sovereignty
- upon leaving home she felt that she had achieved sovereignty for the first time in her life
autonomy, freedom, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-governance, self-government
captivity, enchainment, enslavement, immurement, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, subjugation
dependence (also dependance), heteronomy, subjection, unfreedom
- as parts of the same sovereignty, the states should not enact laws intended to harm one another economically
city-state, microstate, ministate, nation-state
domain, dominion, empire, kingdom, realm, republic
duchy, dukedom, emirate, principality, seigniory (or seignory), sultanate
democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, monocracy, oligarchy, sovereign (also sovran),theocracy
client state, colony, condominium, dependency, mandate, province, settlement, soil, trust territory
fatherland, homeland, motherland
- the gradual sovereignty of English as the language of international communcation
ascendance (also ascendence), ascendancy (also ascendency), dominance, domination,dominion, hegemony, imperium, predominance, predominancy, preeminence, reign, supremacy
arm, authority, choke hold, clutch, command, control, grip, hold, mastery, sway
- Ziel des Interviews in einem Kunst-Forschungsprojekt „N.N-Zwischenliegend"
- Konzept des Interviews
- Bibliographie
If capitalism rather emanates from the biological idea or what could based on a biological concept, it will be or what else could it be, especially in society? Hence questions about how the norm of "time, space, and body" would change.
Synonyms and Antonyms of self-governance
- despite pessimistic predictions, self-governance has worked out well for the former colony
autonomy, freedom, independence, independency, liberty, self-determination, self-government, sovereignty (also sovranty)
captivity, enchainment, enslavement, immurement, imprisonment, incarceration, internment,subjugation