-an exploration of sonic potentiality



In an anatomical context, the inner ear refers to the cochlear, in which sound is conveyed by means of nerve signals.


However, in this project the inner ear is detached from all references to human anatomy and refers to the inner ear in a more poetic sense. 


In this project, the inner ear is a transducer that will allow you to roam freely within the utopia of imaginary listening.


When listening with the inner ear, anything can take place, and everything is possible; the sound of 10000 trumpets, a choir of one million people, the sound of 10 hydrogen bombs, a note lasting the duration of 300 days, or the dying sound of 100 ancient beings. By listening with your inner ear, you are free to create utopian music, and by articulating ideas into the utopian domain of the inner ear, the ideas can ricochet back into physical reality, and actualize themselves, if so desired.


It is not that easy to get into utopia though, and we are not trained to do so.

Instead, we are often told that it is a foolish quest, and therefore we learn to be pragmatic. We learn to think out ideas and concepts that are tangibly possible.

But why dream rational dreams?


Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard

    Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;

Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear’d,

    Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:


(Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn)