Principles for the contemporary performance voice fathoming its philosophical, socio-cultural and educational grounding




1. The Plymouth VersionThe essay in its English version and, based on an abridged version, the documentary video of a lecture


Based on the English essay in an abridged form, the lecture took place at the Plymouth University during the 9th SAR, International Conference on Artistic Research, ARWEI (artistic research will eat itself). This version will be part of the book combining the conference proceedings, expected to be published by ARWEI in August 2018. 



2. The Potsdam VersionThe essay of the original in German and, based on an abridged version, the documentary video of a lecture-performance


The video documentation displays the premiere presentation of the lecture-performance in May at the new music festival of Brandenburg, intersonanzen 2018, in Potsdam Germany. Based on an abridged version of the German original, the lecture-performance strives, in both ways informative and performative, to convey insights on the practice and conception of multivocality and to reveal the underlying groudings and the related thinking behind!