Mining the reservoir, unfolding the oral and vocal imaginary

1. From Sense to Sound, from Sound to Sense
Between the poles of text composition and sound poetry

1.1 Schaumspurenfor speaking voice (or, optionally, for six speaking voices)

[traces of foam]
On dissolving vowels, decomposing the voiced sphere


1.2. Mönche am Meer: Eine konsonantische Auflösung, for speaking voice and video

[monks by the sea: a consonantic dissolution]

On dissolving consonants, decomposing the consonantal sphere


2. Mundfundstücke: Das Konsonantenvokabular for screen and two loudspeakers
[mouth found objects: the consonant vocabulary]

‘Staging the Mouth, Directing the Voice’ and exploring the vocabulary of consonants (oral sphere) as vocal objects 


3. Panache, for voice solo

Mediating a highly individualised performance practice in 90 seconds


4. Voicescapes: Sound Poetry and the Extended Use of the Voice

Exploring the oral and vocal potential through a collection of works for the idiosyncratic solo voice

5. Im Element

for voice solo and singing bowl

(documentation of a public performance) 

On Gestures and the dialogical principle in the Solo Performance