Mark Edwards

Moving Early Music: Improvisation and the Work-Concept in Seventeenth-Century French Keyboard Performance

Elizabeth Dobbin

In search of a politesse du chant: Rediscovering salon vocal performance practice through the lens of the airs sérieux in the Recueils d'airs serieux et à boire de differents autheurs, 1695-1699


Joost Grootens

Blind Maps and Blue Dots

Stanimira Withers

Musika: The becoming of an artistic musical metaphysics

Thalia Hoffman

The Guava Platform


Territoriality and Choreography in Site-Situated Performance

Kevin Toksöz Fairbarn

Poiesis and the performance practice of physically polyphonic notations


Issa Boulos

The Palestinian Music-Making Experience in the West Bank, 1920s to 1959: Nationalism, Colonialism, and Identity


Emlyn Stam

In Search of A Lost Language: Performing in Early-Recorded Style in Viola and String Quartet Repertoires

Ilya Ziblat Shay

Between Freedom and Fixity: Artistic Reflections on Composition and Improvisation

Susan Williams

FINDING FOCUS - Using external focus of attention for practicing and performing music 

Riccardo Giacconi

The Variational Mode - Three cases about documents, artworks and animation

Petra Klusmeyer

Sonic Peripheries: Middling With/In the Event

Magda Dourado Pucci

Cantos da Floresta

ACPA    -     PhD´s Artistic Output 2010-2021


Jonas Staal

Propaganda Art from the 20th to the 21st Century

Gilbert Blin

The Reflections of Memory - An account of a cognitive approach to historically informed staging

Andrea Stultiens

Ebifananyi, a study of photographs in Uganda in and through an artistic practice

Henri Bok

The deep-rooted microtonality of the bass clarinet

Crawford Young

La Cetra Cornuta : the horned lyre of the Christian World

Elske Tinbergen

The 'cello' in the Low Countries- The instrument and its practical use in the 17th and 18th centuries


Dick de Graaf 

Beyond Borders. Broadening the Artistic Palette of (Composing) Improvisers in Jazz

Yannis Kyriakides 

Imagined Voices A Poetics of Music-Text-Film

Lilo Nein 

Writing performance : on relations between texts and performances

Budhaditya Chattopadhyay

Audible Absence: Searching for the Site in Sound Production 

Joost Vanmaele 

The Informed Performer - Towards a bio-culturally informed performers’ practice


Hans Scholten 

Het Urban Future-project

Andrew Wright 

The polyphonic touch : coarticulation and polyphonic expression in the performance of piano and organ music

Frank Blokland 

On the origin of patterning in movable Latin type : Renaissance standardisation, systematisation, and unitisation of textura and roman type

Sophie Ernst 

The magic of projection : augmentation and immersion in media art 

Christopher Williams 

Tactile Paths. On and through Notation for Improvisers

Niels Berentsen 

Discantare Super Planum Cantum : new approaches to vocal polyphonic improvisation 1300-1470


Nicoleta Paraschivescu

Die Partimenti von Giovanni Paisiello: Ansätze zu ihrem Verständnis 

Donna Agrell

Repertoire for a Swedish Bassoon Virtuoso. Approaching early nineteenth-century works composed for Frans Preumayr with an original Grenser & Wiesner bassoon

Inês D'Avena Braga

Dolce Napoli: approaches for performance. Recorders for the Neapolitan Baroque repertoire 1695-1759 

Itandehui Jansen

Finding One’s Own Voice as an Indigenous Filmmaker 

Ruchama Noorda 



Anıl Çamcı 

The cognitive continuum of electronic music

Miguelángel Clerc

(De)Composing Immersion 

Juan Parra

Mulitple Paths: Towards a Performance Practice in Computer Music

Anna Scott

Romanticizing Brahms : Early Recordings and the Reconstruction of Brahmsian Identity

Bárbara Varassi Pega

Creating and Re-creating Tangos: Artistic processes and innovations in Music by Pugliese, Salgán, Piazzolla and Beytelmann


Mark van Tongeren

Thresholds of the audible: about the multiphony of the body 

Cathy van Eck

Between Air and Electricity - Microphones and loudspeakers as musical instruments 

Falk Hübner

Shifting Identities - The musician as theatrical performer 

Krien Clevis

Locvs : Memory and Transience in the Representation of Place. From Italic Domus to Artistic Environment

Marlon Titre

Thinking through the guitar: the sound-cell-texture chain 


Annemarie Dragosits

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca. 1581 – 1651): Betrachtungen zu seinem Leben und Umfeld, seiner Vokalmusik und seinem praktischen Material zum Basso continuo-Spiel 

Arne Deforce

LABORINTH Π – ‘472’ Meditations on the necessity of creative thinking and experimenting in the performance practice of complex music from 1962 - today

Juan Sebastian Llach Lau

Harmonic duality; From interval ratios and pitch distance to spectra and sensory dissonance


Kathryn Cok

Basso continuo sources from the Dutch Republic c. 1620-c1790

Paul Craenen

Gecomponeerde uitvoerders : het musicerende lichaam vanuit compositorisch perspectief / Composing under the skin

Yolande Harris

Scorescapes : on sound, environment and sonic consciousness


Stefan Belderbos

Van kunstwerk tot religieus ritueel : een onderzoek naar de integratie van performancekunst in de liturgie / From artwork to Rituals in Religion