6th of August 2014 click here to check the record

 Łukasz Jastrubczak

Walking on the Spiral Jetty


This work appears on the exhibition as a symbol of artistic records. It might be compared with the shape and role of two phonograph records included aboard on Voyager spacecraft (The Voyager Golden Records).


Artwork's idea situated right in the middle of RC exposition was a concept axis of a whole curational project at its early stage of forming.  

click on the picture and check the goldenrecord.org

RC exposition concept by Paulina Brelińska, all links and media are the part of curational research which I did during final year project preparation Voyager's Record / Rejestr podróżnika . 2017-2018. 

click on the picture and check the https://vimeo.com/69465942



as a path

as a direction

as an artwork (Robert Smithson Spiral Jetty)