Sound, movement and composition
Nether consists of three main components: an animated figure, a human performer, and an audio element played back over a PA. The figure's construction is discussed above, so here I will focus on the work with Alwynne and the production of the audio material. The piece is intended to be mobile in the sense that Alwynne Pritchard should be able to bring everything necessary to perform the work if travelling and my presence should not be required to realize a performance technically. Therefore, the audio component is delivered as a single stereo sound file, which a technician starts at a movement cue from the figure. To keep technical complexity down, synchronization between the figure's movement and audio events is loose. Manually triggering the sound file provides sufficient synchronization. Ideally, a few points have a strict synchronization between the audio and activity in the figure, but I do not consider it critical for the artistic result. There are two versions of the audio component for the piece, and the performer may choose either for each performance. The audio element is an attempted amalgamation between something I would describe as organic sounding with something I would associate with mechanistic. The desired effect is the feeling of it being somewhat uncanny. This uncanniness is reflected and further underlined in the motion material developed in cooperation with Alwynne Pritchard. It is inspired by the mannerism movement seen in art from the late renaissance. There are three main sections to the time-based disposition of the motion. In the first and last, Alwynne assumes different "mannerist" style poses synchronized to the figure's movements. A description of the performer's actions follows:
0:0 – 01:11: Performer sits on knees on the ground, strives for a doll-like quality to all movements.
Movements are synced to movements of sculpture. Slow and deliberate. When blinking eyes, do this slowly.
Open mouth wide slowly in sync with sculpture raising left limb.
Close mouth in sync with sculpture lowering left limb.
Open mouth wide slowly in sync with sculpture lifting right side of the body.
Turn head right in sync with sculpture lifting left limb.
As the figure raises its backend, adopt a contorted pose, head twisted back, left-hand palm up left shoulder raised.
Slowly release into right hand raised left hand relaxed, head slightly turned right.
01:11 performer imagines her arms now paralyzed, upper body convulsed bent over and paralyzed, trying to find a way to move forward without the use of arms.
01:59 Gradually disband convulsive movements, giving up on moving forward, remain bent forward. Relax the body.
02:25 Gradually raise torso to a position seated on knees. Listening and vocalizing – relaxed – eyes closed. Vocalizing is improvised but should strive to harmonize with sounds in the soundtrack. Perform text material1:
curious machine
bolts of bones
part by part (by part)
I am nether
fettered stands
blinded with an eye
03:25 - Listening and vocalizing – slowly adopt doll-like contorted poses, eyes wide open.
04:20 – gradually raise the body to a standing upright on knees, facing the audience. Only move when the figure is moving. Adopt contorted poses.
04:48 – 05:40 Turn to the left facing to the upstage right corner. Continue small vocalizations.