Edgard Varèse guest-professorship: Final Concert at SIM Berlin
Towards the Expanded Field at HDA Graz
Recital at klingt gut!-symposium at HAW Hamburg
OSIL-concert at MUMUTH Graz
Installation at Künstlerhaus Graz during the exhibition Artificial Paradise? Immersion in Space and Time
Semaphor: Premiere at AckerStadtPalast Berlin
The IEM and the OSIL - research group has been constantly working on the IKO, in order to continuously improve its quality for audio playback and playing electroacoustical concerts.
Franz Zotter and Gerriet K. Sharma have been working on turning the IKO, built in 2006, into an instrument and composition tool from 2009-2018 targeting a new manifestation of spatial sound in contemporary computer music.
As a result of this fruitful composer acoustician dialogue, the compositions grrawe (10’26’’) and firniss (11’23’’) could be developed. These two pieces were stepping stones to thinking about the technical device and its acoustical principles as a means of artistic expression and orchestration of sounds in space.
From 2014-2018 OSIL became a research project funded by the Austrian Research Fund within the framework of the Programme for Arts-based Research (FWF/PEEK) at the Institute of Electronic Music an Acoustics Graz (IEM).
THE IEM ICOSAHEDRAL LOUDSPEAKER (IKO) is now a new musical instrument.
InSonic at ZKM Karlsruhe
gleAM at HZB Berlin
gleAM at AdK Berlin
IKO Concert at Hybrid Lab Berlin
gleAM: Premiere at KONTAKTE-festival Berlin
1st International IKO Competition at ICSA
Recital and recordings at the concert series of die Reihe at Neumannsaal of TU/UdK Berlin
Opening of the klingt gut!-symposium at HAW Hamburg
Recital at klingt gut!-symposium at HAW Hamburg
next-genaeration festival at ZKM Karlsruhe
Cooperation between physicists of the department of Accelerator Physics at the Helmholtz-Centre Berlin. Research-Centre on complex material-systems and energy and Gerriet Krishna Sharma.
Compositon of ambisonic sound sculptures based on data from BESSY II VSR using the IKO.
IKO Cologne Concert
Rigorosum at Artistic-Scientific Doctoral school Graz
Concert at New York Electroacoustic Music Festival
All day IKO-demonstration at HZB Berlin
Two concerts at SMC Hamburg
I. Composition
Within the framework of a sequence of consecutive electroacoustic compositions, the sculptural-choreographic properties of sound phenomena will be examined in an empirical study. Thus the starting and aiming point of OSIL is always a spatial sound composition in HOA.
THE IKO - SUMMER SCHOOL was held in September 2018 and finalized the compact spherical loudspeaker array and artistic research from the past four years.
As part of the final symposium of the artistic research project ORCHESTRATING SPACE BY ICOSAHDERAL LOUDSPEAKER (OSIL) a three-day workshop offered registered students and artists the opportunity to learn about the research group's artistic, psycho-acoustic, and audio-technical experiences and findings and to work and experiment with three IEM Icosahedral Loudspeakers (IKO1, IKO2, IKO3).
The pieces from the IKO-summer school were presented at the final OSIL-Conert at MUMUTH Graz to an international audience.
III. Psychoacoustic Modeling of Auditory Objects
To find these explorative verbal descriptions and their psychoacoustic quantization for artistically generated auditory objects, methods known from psychoacoustic and an expert listening panel shall be employed. The combination with spherical microphone array measurements, psychoacoustic models of the auditory objects can be established
II. Inter-subjective Verbal description
Parallel to the compositional process, an explorative inter-subjective verbal description will detail the phenomena produced in such a way that it is generalizable and can be dealt with as a quantitative psychoacoustic question.
InSonic at ZKM Karlsruhe
EPARM Festival Graz
Izlog Festival Zagreb concert 01
Izlog Festival Zagreb concert 02
Concert and recital at the symposium for Artistic Needs and Institutional Desires at Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin
Composing of Sound Sculptures with the Ambisonic Instrument IKO at ICSA Graz
Spatialization using Cubical and Icosahedral Loudspeaker Arrays at Ambisonic Summer School Graz
Composing of Sound Sculptures with the Ambisonic Instrument IKO at InSonic Karlsruhe
Hybrid Lab: Composition of Space with Sculptural Sound Objects at TU Berlin
Wie aus Schallstrahlen sound sculptures at Lange Nacht der Forschung Graz AES 144 IKO-tutorial
OSIL-IKO workshop at klingt gut!-symposium at HAW Hamburg
Two open days at Lange Nacht der Forschung were held. There were about 2 radio features and 2 newspaper articles, as well as several public cultural events.
The IKO was also shown in the German Acoustical Society meeting and discussed in a technical committee workshop, and shown in contributions/demos in about 4 audio conferences.
In part, feedback also helped exploring and maybe more: verifying the inter-subjective perception (which is called shared perceptual space in Sharma’s work). What is more, concerts and participation in music festivals, the collaboration with Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, etc. was all related to getting the attention and gaining visibility in a larger, general public.
Most of the feedback was appreciating and understanding the fruitful relation between highlevel electroacoustic compositional, audio-technological, psychoacoustical, arts-based research.