CCFT / The Creative Centre for Fluid Territories

How a non-place becomes The place: Pokemon Go battle, Bergen, Norway1

Main page / Linda Lien / Research QuestionProcess / Outcome

Unloading, loading places

The project is inspired by the philosophical doctoral thesis of Anniken Greve (1998), Here: a contribution to the place's philosophy. 

It is based on socio-cultural place analyzes, but the main method is research through design, with great emphasis on experimentation and visualization. Darla Crispin uses the term `unfolding`in relation to the artistic process. How can unfolding be used to find the (hidden) layers of a place? 


The goal is to investigate how a place can be unloaded, and how unloading opens up for redesigning the common image of a place. 



Greve, Anniken. Her: et bidrag til stedets filosofi. Universitetet i Tromsø, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, 1998



Røe, Per Gunnar. Utviklingen av «levelige» steder – på hvilken måte kan sosiokulturelle stedsanalyser bidra? Michael 2006;3:193–205.

Lien, Linda. Den kollektive stadsidentiteten i den personlege merkevarebygginga si tid. Bergen, 2011. 

Sosiokulturelle stedsanalyser, veilder



More of Per Gunnar Røe