Sara Elisabeth Holmertz

The Otherness of Self



The otherness of the self: References



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Benedek, Mathias: Creativity and personality in classical, jazz and folk musicians. (Personality and Individual Differences. 2014 Jun; 63(100): 117–121.)


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Camp, Gregory Louis, Monteverdi. Past and Present. (Early Music, November 2011 pp.636-638)

Cavarero, Adriana: For more than one voice - Toward a philosophy of Vocal Expression (Stanford University press 2005)


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Dolar, Mladen: A voice and nothing more (Massachusetts institute of technology 2006)


Donnington, Robert Baroque Music: Style and Performance. A Handbook (W.W. Norton & Company, New York - London, 1982)

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Dunn, Leslie: Embodied voices. Representing female vocality in western culture. (Cambridge University Press 1994)


Eco, Umberto. On Ugliness (MacLehose press, 2011)


Eken, Susanna, The human voice, (The royal Danish academy of music 2014)


Elle, Øystein CAPTO MUSICAE – Creating sonic and musical theatre in a contemporary artistic context. The National Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program 2017



Elliot, Martha: Singing in style - a guide to vocal performance practices. (Yale university press 2006) 


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Ferris, Lesley: Crossing the stage (Routledge 1993)


Fischer-Lichte, Erika: The transformative power of performance. A new aesthetics. (Routledge 2008)


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Henke, Robert: Performance and Literature in the commedia dell’Arte (Cambridge university press, 2002)


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Bauckholt, Carola: Emil. Türmchen Verlag, 2003. THUERMCHEN 255-2


Bauckholt, Carola: Die Alte. Türmchen Verlag, 2001. THUERMCHEN 231-6


Buene, Eivind: Secular psalms. Edition Wilhelm Hansen Copenhagen, 2019.


Lachenmann, Helmut: Got Lost. Breitkopf and Haertel, 2008. BR.EB-9007


Monteverdi, Claudio: L’Orfeo Edition Eulenburg No.8025 2004


Monteverdi, Claudio: L’Incoronazione di Poppea, 1642. Score Modern print (Novello&Co.Ltd) 1989)

Monteverdi, Claudio: L’Orfeo favola in Musica, facsimile edition.  Venice, Ricciardo Amadino 1609


Monteverdi, Claudio: L’Orfeo. Universal Edition. 1930.


Wallin, Rolf, ”…though what made it has gone”. Chester Music Ltd, 1987





Concerto Italiano.Alessandrini, Rinaldo.  Naive, 2007


Pinchgut Opera/Orchestra of the Antipodes. ABC Classics, 2005


Orchestra of La Scala Milan. Ferruccio Calusio. La Voce del Padrone DB 5370-5381. (cd Walhall Eternity Series WLCD 0060, 1939)


Ensemble Elyma, Garrido, Gabriel. K617 - k617066. 1996.


Le Concert d’Astres, Haïm, Emmanuelle. VIRGIN VERITAS 7243 5 45642 2 2. 2005


Vienna Concentus Musicus, Munich Capella Antiqua, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, 1968 (Teldec Das Alte Werk, 1992)


Chiaroscuoro, London Baroque. Nigel Rogers+Charles Medlam. EMI classics, 1984


Ottorino Respighi. Orchestra da Camera Lucchese/Herbert Handt (Claves CD 50-9419)


Concert den Nations. Savall, Jordi . Alia Vox 9911, 2015.


Chor der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik, Hamburg & August Wenzinger & Orchester der Sommerlichen Musiktage Hitzacker 1955 Archiv Produktion (2007)


Claudio Monteverdi: Orfeo (Hindemith's Reconstruction), 1954.  Music & Arts (2010)


Orpheus: Carl Orff/Claudio Monteverdi. Münchener Runfunkorchester/Ulf Schirmer. CPO 2011.



Other recordings mentioned:


Holmertz, Elisabeth/Bock, Fredrik. Lovesongs re-spelled. (LAWO 2010)


Holmertz, Elisabeth/Bock, Fredrik. Sounds, sweet Airs and the art of Longing. (LAWO 2013)


Pessi, Giovanna/Wallumrød Susanna. If grief could wait. (ECM 2011)




Stagings, L’Orfeo:


Audi, Pierre/Stubbs, Stephen. Tragicomedia and Concerto Paladino. NPS Television and De Nederlanser Opera 1997 (Opus Arte 2005) DVD


Brown, Trisha/ Jacobs, René. Concerto Vocale/Collegium Vocal Gent. Theatre Royal de la Monnaie 1998. DVD


Koski, Barrie/ Jacobs, René. Vocalconsort Berlin, Orchestra "Il Concerto Vocale", Akademie fur Alte Musik. 2007.


Ponnelle, Jean-Pierre/ Harnoncourt, Nikoalus. Ensemble: Zurich Opera House Monteverdi Ensemble. 1978. DVD.


La Capella Ceial de Catalunya/Concert des Nations. Savall,Jordi

Dal Gran Teatre del Liceu di Barcellona. Recorded by Opus Arte 2002. DVD


Performances with re-arranged music:

Kats-Chernin/Elena (musical adaption)


Komische Oper Berlin 2012. DVD


Hans Ek (musical adaption and conductor)

Steen,Kristofer, Wermland Opera 2015

(Video on command)



Other relevant stagings mentioned and used in the reflection: 

I is another - Rimbaud in Africa. Theatre of Cruelty, Lars Øyno

Lament, Theatre of Cruelty, Lars Øyno.

(Videos on command)


L’Incoronazione di Poppea. Claudio Monteverdi. 

Nikolaus Harnoncourt/Jean-Pierre Ponnelle.

Opernhaus Zürich. 1978. DVD.


Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, Comédie-ballet de Molière & Lully / Dumestre, Le Poème Harmonique, Lazar. 2007. Alpha DVD