Land and listen
5min [attunement practice]
Attending to the silence of being-together whilst observing and listening to the surrounding sounds. Noticing rhythms and shifts in pace.
as far as the eye can see
(10 mins) [writing practice]
Arrive in space: at an edge of the space, finding a sense of ease/comfort as a ground.
Each choose a spot, writing from a still position.
Allow the angle of the head to change, looking up and down and how this effects how far the eye can see. Attending to close up and distance.
Allow the body to rotate.
After 10 mins reassemble at the arrival point.
Pulls of attraction/What catches the eye? (20 Mins) [writing practice] Begin by walking in the space. Notice the edges, allow for peripheral vision – an open gaze. When something catches your attention, move towards that, begin to write. At some point, open your attention to a wider field, when something catches your attention, move towards that, begin to write.
[Write from 5 – 7 different points in the vicinity, attending to the pulls of attraction).
Watching (receptive/open and following impulses)]
(5-10 mins) [attunement practice] An attention/attunement practice (a semi guided practice)
Coming together as a group in an informal circle
Loosely looking outwards
Part 1: Watching/observing with an open gaze, head still, eyes still, allowing things to come in and out of range/frame
Part 2: Following impulses, what catches the eye, allowing the eyes and head to move.
SCORE 4: Movements and Trajectories (15 mins) [writing practice] From a still position, attending to movements/trajectories
Mapping from memory (20mins) [drawing practice]
Imagine hovering over the space.
Drawing a plan: Make a map of area, marking cornerstones and significant markers. Plot/draw route taken (in the last score) as a diagram/drawing.
Trace the path taken noting the points where the writing happened.
Reverberation of Reading (15 mins) [reading practice]
Return to the different points where the writing happened.
In each point, read back the text you wrote silently (in your inner voice)
Notice any resonances and differences between your text and what is now unfolding
Movements and trajectories
the fountain’s spurts of water move straight up and then fall with gravitation
the wind makes the bunting attached at one end at the church tower flutter
strides, rolls, lulls
i am waiting for the leaves to tumble and roll on the paved ground
paved pathways
heard a group approaching from the back
now they pass
(the leaves are still)
a group of four passing, they turn their heads and look around
a short branch on the ground
children running
steps getting close and passing
when leaves dry they curve, bend
they are light, move with a small to-and-fro
Score As far as the eye can see.
On a bench with my right side towards the street in front of the church
Cloudy but warm, 10min
dry leaves falling from trees
cannot see where they leave, depart only the swirling down
they seem to fall in groups simultaneously
then a pause
now swirling down again
the leaves are scattered around, funnily enough, with a sort of equal distance
occasionally some leaves make ornamental patterns as they meet
they have shadows visible under the slightly curved edges
thin ones
pointy leaves
rounded ones
the fountain has one central spurt
upwards, making a curve that bends at some point making the spurt turn in to droplets
Pulls of Attraction
1 streetlight, a part missing at the base showing the inside with black, white and blue wiring and tape
2 just a corner, concrete blocks forming a right angle
3 a drying marigold on the ground, when lifting my chin i see a streat leading out of the city center
4 a large tree with its trunk tilted towards the bandstand, i touch it
5 another huge tree with its trunk broadening towards the base, a squirrel on it, was observing me with its eye on the left temple
6 back on the bench, with right shoulder towards the church, a boat-tailed grackle runs around the fountain
7 closer to the fountain, the grackle drinks and washes itself, flies away
8 returning to the bench, the wind pushes dry leaves towards me, a pigeon takes off in a diagonal direction
11.45 – 12.00
Movements and trajectories
Sitting on the bench near the fountain.
An arm raises and then repositions in an embrace.
The fluttering pages of your notebook on the ground.
Leaves falling silently like rain, or maybe better slow like large flakes of snow.
The movement of the leaves tells me of the breeze.
The slow motion of the clouds.
Closer, closer, the floating patterns on the surface of my eyes.
The paths here seem more geometric.
The constant arcs of the water.
At times a single arc, then four smaller arcs of water join.
Shifting between singular and plural.
There are many more single figures today: walking perhaps rather than strolling.
The rhythm of the movement has changed.
I feel the movement of the breeze, but it takes intervening objects for me to see it.
The movement in the soft palm leaves, of the red and white flags, of the green leaves trembling, and gently moving clouds.
Next to me on the bench, pink and grey hair blown under a black and white hat as a receipt is closely checked.
The movement of your pens on paper, like when violinists coordinate their bows within a symphony orchestra. An orchestra of writers holding their pens in the same small diagonal line. Our pens together moving, attesting to our act of witnessing this ‘now’.
A hand strokes the back of another person, as if consoling.
To watch and wait for the movement of the clouds to reach the leaves.
And the slow walk of that person crossing the path.
Not to be pulled by the most visible movements.
My desire to draw all this as lines, rather than try to find the words.
I still my eyes and notice all these criss-crossings.
I imagine the movements unseen – the slow extension of tree roots, the trajectories of silent worms.
How is this difference between movements and trajectories?
Trajectory better captures the movement of the water in the fountain, with its curves and arcs. The lower curl of the j and y somehow reflecting the shape carries by each water arc. Yet only in a certain font. The fountain’s waters cut curves. I lack a language for describing these watery arcs – I suspect that this requires a mathematical term.
The fountain sprays make the same shape as the lamppost tops and are echoed in the arches of the arcade. I now see arches everywhere but none so elegant as the water’s arc, formed through the interplay of agencies - force of water and pull of gravity.
Monday 4 November
Open space besides the church, standing and leaning on a bench to write
Overcast but still warm, a slight breeze
As far as the eye can see
11.20 – 11.30
The cone-shaped turrets on the nearby yellow wall mirror those in the distance.
A leaf spirals to the floor.
Beyond the trees, clouds billow, faintly.
Shadows tell of movement above my head.
I notice the shadow of my hand, writing.
There are two greens on the bench – the pealing dark paint revealing a light and more vibrant green beneath.
Two of the writers in my field of vision.
Strings of flags in red and white.
I am struck by the capacity of the neck to rotate and turn.
Can I also move my body in this practice?
A leaf lands directly on my page.
A child runs to catch up.
The flags cast shadows on the white render of the church.
A pigeon flies directly across my line of view.
All around the spiralling fall of leaves to ground.
How high can I see – it is difficult to gauge?
Distances are hard to register with an upwards glance beyond the leaves.
It feels like a mist occludes the horizontal distance.
I cannot tell what is beyond.
The fountain calls my eyes as well as my ears.
Again, the shadow cast by the act of writing.
Silver paper glitters above a café door.
A black bird returns to the canopy of the tree.
Standing allows for more rotation – a wider field of vision.
The capacity for 360 degrees – both horizontal and vertical registers.
A greenfly (aphid) has settled on the top left of my page, just above the written line “A wider field of view”.
It calls me to look smaller.
At the pattern of bricks tessellating on the floor, grass growing in between.
Dandelion leaves create an irregular pattern within the grid of paving – offering a different texture to the grass.
Pulls of Attraction
1. Two rust-coloured dogs with red leads meet with a black dog (unattended). They sniff a little and then the rust dogs are escorted away by their owners. The black dog remains and perhaps even seems a little sad.
2. This slit of window, cutting the white render of the church. Above the peeling paint revealing what matter has been laid beneath. I cannot tell how deep this recess goes. Is this window slit for looking in or out? Above, higher on the wall, another of a different shape and size. I feel an urge to draw what I know that my language cannot capture.
3. The arched curves of the fountain’s sprays, from behind the branches of the tree. Visual collision between two different structures or patterns. The visual rhythm of the fountain is more relaxing than its sound. Some of the sprays of water seem slower than the others and hold their shape for longer before collapsing into droplets, dispersed. I try to anticipate when the rhythm will change, enjoying the moments of brief silent interlude. When the water pressure stops there is a brief moment when the water remains hanging air-borne before falling to the ground. The more I watch the harder it is to move away. I am becoming captivated both by the rhythm and the physics of force and gravity that I do not really understand. When all the water sprays end I feel an urge to clap. When previously only listening, I did not recognise the intricacy of this aquatic choreography. A black bird comes close to the water to drink. It is a bird that I have never seen before.
4. A person in a pale blue hat crosses and I wish to follow their path. The bells sound. Arms dangling heavy, by the sides of the body. They pass to the sides of the orange arch rather than under it (is this superstition?)
5. The gnarled roots of the tree beside the green bins. A black bird flies close by. Green clumps of grass protrude from the root-mesh. Sandy ground and fallen leaves.
6. Paint peeling on the bench and below three cigarette butts with intricate blue and red patterning – finely marks spirals of lines extending from a central globe. I do not know what brand this is. But someone had sat here and smoked three. I wonder how long they were here – were they waiting, pausing, talking with a friend on the phone? The bench is also inscribed with lines that seem as if made by other sitters. Leaves blown across the floor by a sudden breeze. Some of the paving stones are scored by marks, as if made by a compass circle. I am curious what caused these scored inscriptions. Ahead, a lolly stick on the ground speaks of earlier enjoyment. Several leaves spiral to the ground. This square is all around accented with orange. I would like to make a list but this seem beyond the parameters of this score.
Pasan niñas de una escuela, todas uniformadas y riéndose, hablando una por encima de la otra. Eso es lo primero que veo, después se siente casi vacío.
Es un paso en un parque/zócalo donde hay pasto y una enorme palmera junto con pequeños árboles, eso va en segundo plano.
Después/atrás van los coches estacionados sin ningún lugar disponible, pasa a un lado una combi, este es el tercer plano.
[cambia a primer plano; pasa un señor en el teléfono, con una bolsa con zapatos iguales a los que trae puestos y una señora con su bolsa de mercado.]
Cuarto plano; hay otra fila de coches estacionados, donde hay espacio, pero solo por ser cocheras, en la banqueta de ese lado hay personas caminando.
[cambio a primer plano; pasa una pareja, una señora con blusa roja casi fosforescente y su pareja con una blusa igual roja, pero ocre, casi quemada, se ven perdidos pero siguen caminando, se salen del plano.]
[tercer plano; detrás de la palmera se quedan platicando tres personas con su agua y comida.]
En la banqueta hay un parquímetro donde varias personas hacen uso de él. En las
casas/edificios hay una tiendita que parece aparte de tener comida chatarra tienen juguetes, salen del marco de la tienda pelotas de colores y unas papitas.
Pasa una moto y después de eso varios coches, todos pasan tranquilos.
[tercer plano; un coche de la fila se fué, no duró dos segundos el lugar para que llegara otro coche, es uno negro con calcomanías, de el bajan dos señoras.]
En el primer y segundo plano se ven caer hojas de los árboles.
[cambio a primer plano; pasó un señor.]
Antes de los planos establecidos está el plano cero, donde estoy yo.
Zócalo San Pedro, Cholula
Las personas pasan cerca de mí, nunca se acercan, cada una va a su mundo.
Casi todos traen suéteres y gorras, las señoras sombreros y bolsos grandes.
El clima es nublado, pero sale el sol, por eso los sombreros.
Estoy sentada en una fuente, siento como se escapan gotitas que me llegan ala espalda, son pequeñas pero cada vez más constantes. Era, según yo, un lugar que no estaba mojado, pero ha ido incrementando la fuerza del agua de la fuente.
Han pasado cinco bicicletas, la última es un señor de camisa con gorra y lentes.
Pasa una motocicleta, se nota por lo ruidosa que es. Pasa la segunda, no tan ruidosa.
Ya van ocho bicicletas y todos traen suéter o lentes, la mayoría ambos. Muy pocos notan mi presencia, si lo hacen no se quedan viendo, siguen caminando, excepto por el señor de la esquina; está parado, como si esperará para poder cruzar la calle, viene con una camisa morada y de pantalón, tiene sus manos atrás de su espalda, juntas y
Pulse of attraction, what catches your eye.
Walking while having an open gaze.
Walking feels weird when searching for nothing. Following birds, pigeons, can’t get too close or they will fly off. They’re gray with a little bit of purple and green in their neck. The paws are bright orange and they’re constantly moving looking for food, one approaches but not too much, waiting to see if I will give him food, I don’t, they fly away.
While looking for something else I can’t help but notice the flower arrangement/arch. It's big and has cempasúchil flowers, white, orange and yellow ones, and some (follaje), big leaves and some type of purple flower. If you look around you can see these all over San Pedro’s Zócalo, it makes the ambience more colorful and joyful, even if it’s because of “Dia de muertos”.
I see people walking through them, they seem indifferent (was I indifferent before this?) some actually try to avoid walking through the flower arch, it’s actually kind of sad.
The pigeon has returned, he came and grabbed a little wood stick and left, I hope he doesn’t eat it. There are other birds, I want the pigeon.
Another pigeon passed me flying, he had a stick in his mouth, the third one passed me by. I now realize they’re going to build a nest, not in a tree but in the ceiling of the principal plaza of the zócalo. There goes the fifth one.
4 de Noviembre 2024
Soleado con nubes esporádicas.
Movements and trajectories - 15min
Una camioneta roja
Un coche rojo
Una persona cargando comida en un cajón de madera sobre su hombro.
Una pareja cargando flores.
Una persona usando un chaleco negro.
Dos personas cargando un folder de papel color crema.
Van en direcciones opuestas.
Movimientos horizontales
El agua de la fuente
Las hojas de los árboles cayendo
Un pájaro yendo hacia la copa de un árbol
Movimientos verticales.
Dos personas usando playera roja.
izquierda a derecha
derecha a izquierda
diagonal de izquierda a derecha
diagonal de derecha a izquierda
De atrás para adelante
De adelante para atrás.
Un brazo se mueve (o lo mueve alguien) para señalar algo.
Las piernas se cruzan al caminar.
Las mangas se remangan.
La manga viaja lejos de la muñeca.
La bolsa se menea de atrás para adelante.
4th of November 2024
Un poco de nubes. Una fina capa de nubes cubre el cielo.
Resolana. Cálido.
As far as the eye can see - 10min
La fuente. Suena y se va. Suena y se va. Suena y se va.
Las banderas olean ligeramente con el viento.
Una ardilla brinca del árbol. Sube a la banca junto a mi y se va.
Una paloma camina moviendo la cabeza.
Una camioneta repartidora de agua pasa.
Hojas caen de los árboles.
La gente pasa caminando.
La campana de la iglesia suena. Son las once y media.
El agua de la fuente comienza y se va. Comienza y se va.
La cúpula de la iglesia.
La antena parabólica.
Un árbol.
El tejado de una terraza.
Una antena de celular.
Picos de cemento o piedra.
Una mancha de tinta sobre la piel.
Rosa, naranja, morado, azul, amarillo, negro, verde, café, gris, rojo.
4 de Noviembre 2024
Nublado con un poco de viento.
Ya no está tan cálido.
Pulls of attraction - 15 min
¿Cómo describir lo que estoy viendo?
- They peek from the ground. As a sea of wood. Bumps over the ground. Pliegues que sostienen la estructura orgánica que se distiende hacia arriba por lo que parecieran ser diez metros. Los bordes de cemento esconden lo que podría ser la continuación del oleaje de madera. It might be that the waves continue beneath the feed without noticing.
- The bushes demarcan otro límite.
The bushes se interrumpen por un intersticio.
The bushes are aproximadamente one metro de altura.
The bushes. The bush.
El arbusto guarda algunas hojas secas que caen de los árboles.
Another intersticio spotted on the right.
- Alrededor del zócalo hay varios podios. Parecen esos tipos de stands que los músicos utilizan para poner sus partituras.
No tienen nada en sí más que una imagen deslavada de algo que alguna vez fue.
- Se forman figuras todo el tiempo con las líneas que se construyen y se encuentran por el suelo.
Ahora hay una pierna diagonal del lado izquierdo y la derecha sobre el lado diagonal del lado derecho. Esas dos líneas se acercan y se juntan detrás mío. Pero en el punto donde los pies se apoyan, se encuentran separadas a 60 cm de distancia más o menos.
- Aromas. Lavanda. Dos abejas circulan las flores contenidas por un límite de cemento. Al mismo tiempo, éstas limitan un árbol.
Texturas y olores.