

Bernhardt, Emil (2014). “Lyrikk og mekanikk.” Review of Lyrical pieces (LP, Ugelvik), Morgenbladet, 07.03.2014.

Gadenstätter, Clemens (2013): “Preface”. In: Ellen Ugelvik: Lyriske stykker. Mere Records.

Habbestad, Ida (2014). “Ulike møter med fortid.” Review of Lyrical pieces (LP, Ugelvik), Aftenposten, 29.01.2014, p.11.

Pace, Ian (2005). “Lachenmann’s serynade: Issues for performer and listener.” Contemporary music review, 24(1), pp. 101-112.

Ugelvik, Ellen (2016). Ellen Ugelvik plays Magne Hegdal & Anton Reicha (CD). Aurora records. Catalogue no. ACD5089.


1 Practische Beispiele no. 23; Adagio molto (Anton Reicha)

2 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Dobbel eksposisjon (Double Exposition) (Anton Reicha)

3 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Innspill og utvikling (Ideas and Development) (Anton Reicha)

4 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Rekapitulasjon og kadens (Recapitulation and Cadenza) (Anton Reicha)

5 Practische Beispiele no. 3; Allegro non troppo (Anton Reicha)

6 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); VIII (“Invensjon”) (Magne Hegdal) 

7 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); IX (Magne Hegdal)

8 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); X (Magne Hegdal)

9 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XI (“Par over Nord”) (Magne Hegdal) 

10 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XII (Magne Hegdal)

11 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XIII (“Cortège”) (Magne Hegdal)

12 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XIV (Magne Hegdal)

13 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XV (Magne Hegdal)

14 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XVI (Magne Hegdal)

15 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII-XVII); XVII (“Rondo“) (Magne Hegdal)

Ugelvik, Ellen (2013). Lyriske stykker. (LP) MERE records.


A1 Liten Fugl (Edvard Grieg)

A2 Vokterens Sang (Edvard Grieg)

A3 Sommerfugl (Edvard Grieg)

A4 Ensom vandrer (Edvard Grieg)

A5 Halling (Edvard Grieg)

B1 Sommerfugl (Christian Blom)

B2 Vokterens sang (Christian Blom)

B3 Liten fugl (Christian Blom)

B4 Ensom vandrer (Christian Blom)

B5 Halling (Christian Blom)

Ugelvik, Ellen (2004). Interview with Magne Hegdal, Ultima festival 2004  programme.