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Buene, Eivind (2012). “Body and site: Reading Kwon, thinking of Gould.” Research Catalogue. URL: (14.12.2016).
Fujikura, Dai (2013). Diamond Dust. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik and Oslo Sinfonietta, conductor Christian Eggen, 23.11.2013, Huddersfield contemporary music festival, England.
Gieseking, Walter and Karl Leimer (1972). Piano technique. New York: Dover.
Goehr, Lydia (2007). The imaginary museum of musical works: An essay in the philosophy of music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lachenmann, Helmut (1985). Ausklang. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Christian Eggen, 11.02.2010, Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway.
Rachmaninof, Sergei V. (1999). “Essentials of artistic playing.” Great pianists on piano playing: Godowsky, Hofmann, Lhévinne, Paderewski and 24 other legendary performers. Edited by James F. Cooke (ed.), pp. 207-220. Minneola: Dover publications.
Reinholdtsen, Trond (2016). Theory of the Subject. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik, Reinholdtsen, Thobias Schülke and the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Winnes, 15.09.2016, Oslo, Norway.
Schön, Donald A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books.
Ulvo, Therese Birkelund (2016). Interviewed by Hild Borchgrevink. [14.12.2016].
Ugelvik, Ellen (2016). Ellen Ugelvik plays Magne Hegdal & Anton Reicha (CD). Aurora records. Catalogue no. ACD5089.
1 Practische Beispiele no. 23; Adagio molto (Anton Reicha)
2 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Dobbel eksposisjon (Double Exposition) (Magne Hegdal)
3 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Innspill og utvikling (Ideas and Development) (Magne Hegdal)
4 Konsertstykke i tre deler (Concert Piece in three sections); Rekapitulasjon og kadens (Recapitulation and Cadenza) (Magne Hegdal)
5 Practische Beispiele no. 3; Allegro non troppo (Anton Reicha)
6 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII);VIII (“Invensjon”) (Magne Hegdal)
7 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); IX (Magne Hegdal)
8 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); X (Magne Hegdal)
9 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XI (“Par over Nord”) (Magne Hegdal)
10 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XII (Magne Hegdal)
11 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XIII (“Cortège”) (Magne Hegdal)
12 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XIV (Magne Hegdal)
13 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XV (Magne Hegdal)
14 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XVI (Magne Hegdal)
15 Songs and Flowers (Annotations VIII–XVII); XVII (“Rondo“) (Magne Hegdal)
Chin, Unsuk (2003). Double Concerto. Concerto for piano and percussion, performed by Ugelvik and Jennifer Torrence and the Bodø Sinfonietta, conductor Magnus Loddgaard, 21.03.2013, Bodø kulturhus, Bodø, Norway.
Fujikura, Dai (2013). Diamond Dust. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik and Oslo Sinfonietta, conductor Christian Eggen, 23.11.2013, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, England.
Lachenmann, Helmut (1985). Ausklang. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Christian Eggen, 11.02.2010, Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway.
Reinholdtsen, Trond (2016). Theory of the Subject. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik, Reinholdtsen, Thobias Schülke and the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Winnes, 15.09.2016, Oslo, Norway.
Thorsen, Bente L. (2015). at the tips of my fingers/on the tip of my tongue. Piano concerto, performed by Ugelvik, Ensemble Allegria, leader Berit Cardas, 15.04.2015, Universitetets Aula, Oslo, Norway.
Ulvo, Therese B. (2016). Woven Fingerprints. The work is composed but has not yet premiered [11.12.2016].